The Road Chose Me: Driving a Jeep Wrangler 80,000 miles around Africa for 2 years


Armchair Adventurer

Did you do a write up of the electronics you brought with you and internet access when travelling from country to country.


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
We're really enjoying your posts. I'm wondering if there are any items or mods to the jeep that you now realize that you do not need or items/mods that you now wish you had?
Thanks Dan, and safe travels.

Thanks !

For sure the Jeep is heaver than I want, so I spent a lot of time thinking about what I could do without. I have also picked up a couple of very minor things on the road, but they make life better.
Let me ponder this question so more and I'll do a good write-up on it soon!

kurtwp said:

Did you do a write up of the electronics you brought with you and internet access when travelling from country to country.


Most (all?) of them are listed here:
Wifi was getting extremely hard to find, so I recently bought a smart phone (new, for $20) and will buy a SIM card in every country and tether with 3G. The speeds are good!

DiploStrat said:

Thanks. Bamako is a different world to Gao, there are literally hundreds of UN workers getting around Bamako, no worries.


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hi All,

The West African mud pits have begun!
This is a highway in Guinea in the North from Koundára to Labé. National Route something something. The Chinese were building a section of it, this is a bit they hadn't got to yet.
The trucks had been stuck there for days, I walked right through it.

It's a video - embedding it seems to be too hard.

Check it out here on Instagram:
or here on Facebook:

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Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hi Everyone,

I have driven into Mali, Africa country number 7!

Read the whole story of the border crossing here:

I also just posted this video of crossing a swing bridge it Guinea over a swollen river.
What do you think, would you mess around on this bridge?


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I'm checking out Sibi, a beautiful town in Southern Mali.

Obviously I'm keeping up to date on the safety situation in Mali, and talking to lots and lots of people about the reality on the ground.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to go North to the Doggone Country due to all the fighting there, the Mali military will actually stop me if I even try.
Read more:


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hi All,

I have driven from Mali into Ivory Coast, African country number eight!

Read all about the very stern bribery attempt here:

Here's the international border:



I really enjoy reading about your adventures and this post about paying a bribe is no different.I figure you got off cheap and it was the cost of the lesson you learned (careful where you park). Stay safe and keep us amused with tales of your misfortunes and good travels.:coffee:


New member
Some years back I crossed Mali and Burkina on a MTB. Happens that the only time I had to do the same was on Mali... safe travels!

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