I've only used my 705 a couple times for bikepacking. Since we both have experience with the New Trent charger, I did experiement with my 705 and the New Trent iCarrier charged it twice. But, that's a heavy solution for uber light travel.How are people keeping a GPS charged for multiple day/weeks...solar on backpack? heavy AA chargers???
Just wondering as I use a Garmin Edge 705...usually only get about 8 hours per charge
I've only used my 705 a couple times for bikepacking. Since we both have experience with the New Trent charger, I did experiement with my 705 and the New Trent iCarrier charged it twice. But, that's a heavy solution for uber light travel.
I have since switched to a Garmin eTrex 30. It pairs to an ANT+ heart rate strap, has good bike-centric features and hold's a useful charge for a couple days of riding and constant navigating. I've tried solar panels and that was such a waste of time.
Does anybody out there carry a gun when they're cyclo-touring? I've never seen big cats or bears when out camping/touring, but I know they're there. I'd like to have a defense to my game if I'm going to be on the "dinner plate." I've got a few handguns, but nothing light enough to consider carrying on a ride. Thoughts?
Another topic I would like to see addressed is footwear...
I don't bikepack a lot but some of the long day adventures I have been on in CO and central WA have required extensive hike a bike...especially on scree slopes...loose rock climbs...
My sidis take a beating on the toe caps and the traction is poor...replaceable soles help with wear but I am always slipping...
I know you always plan to spend more time in the pedals than out but what is your advice on shoes...
... You have to be a really good shot ...to hit a charging bear from a bicycle....
Ok that makes more sense...
No doubt it is one sweet ride...belt drive too ???
I would think a chain would still be the go to for back country stuff...I would rather carry a few powerlinks than a spare belt...
I find one of the things that makes me nervous is heading out into the remote wilderness unsure how prepared I am agains foul weather. Especially in the mountains. There's always that moment before you head out when you're standing in your living room holding a jacket asking yourself, "take it, or not." Below are two pieces worth taking because they're so crazy light.
Mountain Hardwear Ghost Whisperer $135 TWO OUNCES!!!
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You read that right - two ounces. What's even more amazing is how small it is. I dared our sales rep to put it in his mouth - he said it was possible. It actually fit in his mouth. Not a great place to store it, but.... This is a water RESISTANT piece, so it won't fend off a proper storm, but it will add wind protection and additional warmth if layered over just a bike jersey and arm warmers. I use mine (very new, haven't used it much) if I'm stopped for a few minutes and want to evade a chilly breeze.
Anything you'd recommend for a light and ultra packable WATERPROOF jacket? Hopefully something close to $150 or so? I want it to keep in the pack just for wind and possible rain during changing conditions.
On the lighter side, I've been using this: The Berghaus VapourLight Hyper Smock 2. Dumbest name ever.Christophe,
Anything you'd recommend for a light and ultra packable WATERPROOF jacket? Hopefully something close to $150 or so? I want it to keep in the pack just for wind and possible rain during changing conditions.