The story of a Canadian, a Mexican and a Brain Surgeon.


Thanks for sharing the stories and pictures!

If you don't mind... Could you explain how you knew to move on and not stay with the celebration? Thanks!
efuentes said:
After the nice snack, we keep on running toward Cerocahui, were a celebration was in place. we realized it wasn't a good idea to stay there so that gave us the perfect opportunitie to stay at Cueva del Oso,


blupaddler said:
Thanks for sharing the stories and pictures!

If you don't mind... Could you explain how you knew to move on and not stay with the celebration? Thanks!

Too many banditos, too many policeman, and for some of the crew too much volume on the music :sombrero:

Maybe we are due for the Great Expedition Portal Crossing of the Copper Canyon next Year :cool:


efuentes said:
Too many banditos, too many policeman, and for some of the crew too much volume on the music :sombrero:

Maybe we are due for the Great Expedition Portal Crossing of the Copper Canyon next Year :cool:

We are THERE!!:sombrero:


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003
efuentes said:
A new day gave us some fresh road to cover and a lofty midday destination, Basaseachi Falls.


I has been some time since i visited Basaseachi fall outside of the rainy season, it was just as nice as i remembered. I keep thinking that I need to spend a week or so at that place alone, so many trails and such a nice Canyon, I think I don't speak only for myself when I tell you that we left the place with a feeling of empty for being there for such a short time, but thats life on the road, got to keep on running ....

It's been almost 15 years since I was there. This sure brings back some fond memories.



efuentes said:
My favorite thing about this Church is the fact that it has a Satellite dish installed on the South wall about 25 ft. off the ground. Looks so old and historic and then when you're there in person you see the satellite dish!!

Great write up Fuentes!

I think there are a number of us willing to do the 5 routes through the canyon, next year. Lets get planning.


Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳
Barancas Del Cobre (Copper Canyon)

Hi all, Yes I am finally back and wishing I was somewhere warmer as friend says all the time. One of the best trips I have had in awhile!

Edmundo and Dr. Monroy (Mario to his friends) were great travelling companions as well as good party goers. We have already begun to plan to do the other 4 routes through this amazing area in 2009 (more on this later).

As for the mangos, (post #15), the camion was full of some of Mexico's finest and we wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible before the Federales or AFI (Mexico's DEA) found us all. They had a flat (front right) which they had been working on for sometime but to no avail as they could not keep the truck jacked up long enough to get the tire off and replacement on. So while I took a photo (Edmundo was quick to stop me, thinking they they might think I was an uncover agent, NOT), Edmundo lent them his bottle jack and I my Hi-Lift plastic jack base so that they could be a bit more expeditious. They took one of the rear duallys off as a replacement and were going in about a 1/2 hour. Traffic had backed up in both directions on this single lane dirt road. Above us was a 10 ton with bleachers and band gear from the night before celebrations we did not attend for safety reasons. We let them get a good head start in front of us, so should the Federales stop them, we would be far behind when the action began. This was one highlight that we did not expect!

On our arrival in Los Mochis, unbeknown to me, Edmundo had arranged for the Los Mochis local daily newspaper to interview me regarding my frequent and lengthy travels in Mexico. Upon reaching the headquarters where Edmundo used to work, he whispered to me not to mention the above mango incident. Below is a copy of the interview with the worst picture they took. Thought they would at least get the entire truck in it instead of the back.

Translation (October 21, 2008):

"Exploration. Canadian tours the country in search of a place to stay. Fermin Quintero

The warmth of its people, drinks and Mexican food make Mexico a decent place to live and why the Canadian Jan Alsen is planning to stay to live in this country.

58 years old, originally from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Alsen came to this city [Los Mochis] yesterday, after a four-day trip that he makes to the mountainous area of the state of Chihuahua.​

But his trip beginning on September 9, when he left his homeland and will travel 15 thousand kilometers, on board his vehicle Toyota Land Cuiser.

He said that the purpose of this trip is to explore the topography and geography of Mexico.​

He affirms that in this wonderful country he has found only human warmth, people very hospitable and to date has not had any setback for any crime.

He even said that in the places he has visited he has found the police, the military and has only received good treatment.​

Therefore, in all tranquility he will continue his journey across the coastal zone, via Mazatlan, parts of Nayarit, to Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, and there continue to Zihuatanejo, Mexico in the Pacific."​

As for future Copper Canyon trips and doing the other 4 routes, Edmundo will be the organizer from MX and I from here in Kanukistan. We want to keep the group smallish say 5 trucks max from Kanukistan/USA and 5 trucks max from MX. This will be done in two trips, one in the spring or so and one in the fall. Edmundo will arrange for escorts (Federales) as safety is primary and I want to get more photos of the mangos. This will result in a minor cost, which will also serve as a reservation, so those that say they are coming, do come or loose the reservation pesos.

We will try to meet in Tucson (preliminary) and all caravan to El Fuerte (Edmundo's suggestion) as some feel travelling to Mexico is dangerous. I have been travelling there for over 20 years with no problems. We will stay over night in El Fuerte (a great little town to have some fun in before the real action - no mangos please),fuel, food, and water up and then do a 2 day steep uphill route (4WD is required only to make the uphill and down hill routes easier - less braking) to Creel, stay over night, and a different 2 day down hill route back to Los Mochis. Then a free day in Los Mochis touring or what ever and then an evening on Jorge's boat (Edmundo's childhood boating enthusiast buddy) with a fish BBQ and beers before heading out the next day back to the USA. So about a week in total. Might be a bit of more pesos for this. This is just our discussion/thinking when we left each other, so we are still planning.

I will post a link to my photos (website) once I get a chance to get caught up and organized.

We will post more as planning for these future trips firm up. This will be a limited group trip so do not commit unless you are 100% certain (4 trucks from the Kanukistan/USA and 4 from MX). Get your passports ready, truck papers in order and once the days are known get Mexican insurance.


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