The Super FJ Has Arrived

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New member
I am brand new to this forum, and currently and doing research on buying an FJ. Through my now, month long internet search, I have found his videos and postings everywhere. My first impression ( which in my line of work mean a great deal) was that he had way to much money to spend or was really in debt just to be a show off. As far as his walk around video, I sort of dislike anyone under the age of 50 who wears gold chains around their neck. They should be reserved for those with masses of chest hair coming out of their shirt while smoking a cigar, while telling you old war stories.
I see all of my haters have come out out from behind their desks to come at me. I wasnt here sooner because I was actually out using my rig but you already know that because the SuperFJ never sits at home.

Seigereen go back to germany and mind your own business, last time I checked we won WWI and II, so if you don't like my chain I don't care.

Want to just ban me when I have not done anything? Cool but you can't stop the SUPERFJ!

Find me on the trail, oh wait you can't keep up.
Here's a quick refresher to those in the dark about who Brian Mauck is. These were sent to me on Facebook(and no, my FJ isn't a common FJ, it's a Land Rover)


This is a complete misunderstanding no one has even asked for my story BTW!
Yeah..that was after defending my buddy Rich who actually is a great dude.

To him I am :)

You and the rest of the FJ Northeaster group are a bunch of HATERS! If you don't like my style I don't care. I just want to join the overland world and you hate on me non stop. Should I be flattered that you have nothing better to do than hate on me? Hate all you want, 30k plus youtube viewers can't be wrong.


Busy Fly Fishing
Damnit. I was really hoping it was the real Brian Mauck. But based on your grammar and punctuation, and grasp of the english language there is indeed no doubt that it's an impostor.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
To the original poster or anyone else for that matter, it's probably not the best idea to show up on any message board and have your first post be one of arrogance and a bunch of self-promotion and chest pounding. That isn't going to win you many friends or followers and will likely draw criticism like it has here. Then to respond to that criticism in an aggressive manner and basically give everyone the finger is a quick way to have everyone just ignore you and probably lead you to get banned like you did with your original account. Signing up with a new username just so you can come back and cop attitude isn't going to help your cause. If you truly want to be a part of the overland community, then relax, drop the ego, quit acting like a chump and things will probably work out.


Expedition Leader
You know what else has lots of youtube views? Videos of cats and people getting kicked in the nuts. Good metric to measure yourself by.


Six pages and not an ounce of information about the rig, or anything else useful- just internet arguing. Mods please delete this thread.
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