The TARDIS - A Four Wheel Camper Build


Expedition Leader
FAWK. Hope you get some shred of your life back, and insurance pays you fairly.

I had a truck stolen, don't just accept their valuation, print comparable adds, and work with them to get a fair value for the truck/camper.


Rendezvous Conspirator
What a gut punch. I cannot express how sorry I feel for you, man. Keeping fingers crossed that you can be made somewhat whole again, and that the dirtbags come to justice.


I have heard good things about hiring an insurance adjuster. They will get a piece of the pie, but the pie is usually much larger. May be a good thing to check on anyway.




Camper has been recovered deep in the woods two hours south of here. It was dragged/ripped off the truck, so I have little hope that it is not broken.

Truck was involved in a chase through the woods, it got away. LEO says it will most likely be burned tonight.

Some of my gear has been recovered, I am not sure what. I am headed down and will be out with the LEO at dawn.

I was inspired by the support shown on FaceBook, so I finally signed up. Nathanael Kuenzli Photography

Updates tomorrow night.

This is not the best news, but not the worst either. If he got caught without notice then a good chance maybe your camera and other stuff fell off the truck during the chase or was left in the camper. Truck can be replaced but personal items not so much. Here's hoping all your gear/personal items are there.


Expedition Leader
When you say through the woods, was a logging or hunting in road? If so I would imagine it's been ditched either further down the trail or near the closest inhabited area on the far end of the trail. If he burned black that smoke would someone would call that in for sure.

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Overland Hadley

on a journey
Quick Update.
The camper was found (dumped off the truck) at 3:30AM Tuesday morning by a logger going to work. It was located two hours south of here in Capitol State Forest.
The thieves were at the scene in my truck, and took off when the logger approached in his vehicle. A chase ensued, but my truck got away. I guess the upgrades I did to make the truck suitable for forest road driving worked against me in this instance.
The logger stayed with the camper and my gear until an LEO came to the scene. A huge thank you goes to this guy, he went above and beyond to watch over my stuff while it was in the woods.
I was able to retrieve 2/3 of my camping/living gear, and about half of my photography equipment. It is all dirty and waterlogged, but there is hope as it dries out.
The camper was put on a flatbed tow-truck and is now at the inpound lot waiting to be gone over by law enforcement. It will take some work to get it usable again, as it was pushed off the Tacoma and then dragged onto the tow-truck. At this point I am not sure if it will be salvageable.
Again, a huge thank you goes to the logging guy and the DNR Police chief, without them I would have recovered very little, if anything.


Glad to hear there's a fighting chance for some of your stuff. There's good people out there and it's great to get reminders every now and then.
I live north of there in Tacoma but will be traveling south for the weekend to Portland so I'll keep my eyes peeled for the truck. I know it well following your awesome thread on it...


Founder of D.E.R.P.
Haven't visited your page in a while. Terrible news to say the least. Glad some of it was recovered.
You said you're living in a garage, have you ever thought about renting an industrial space? Usually an office and warehouse? You could store the truck/camper in the back and also use the office as a quasi residence.


New member
UGH, this is horrible. At least you recovered some of your equipment. With any luck the camper can be repaired. Good luck.


Sorry to hear about the troubles you are having. Hope it all works out.

Is anyone else having issues seeing the pics? I can see all of the posts but none of the pics are showing.


New member
i too cannot see pictures in the posts.

Lots of great info and ideas in this thread too that I want to see!

Terrible deal Hadley! I dont know why some people are just so $hitty..... Best of luck and believe in karma!


Really sorry to pop on here and read all this Overland. Best of luck with everything and hope most of the gear you found is salvageable.

Overland Hadley

on a journey

Hello everyone, I have not been around here this summer, thanks for all the well wishes.


The Tardis is at the factory, having some frame damage repaired, and the exterior re-sided. When the factory is done with the repairs I will trailer the camper back to my shop and go over everything. At that point I will sell the camper as I no longer have a vehicle for this camper. Everything will be back to 100%, and I will be excited to get someone setup with this camper. It will be good to see my work continue on adventuring with someone new, just please send me a few photos from time to time.

If you are interested in purchasing my camper, please send me a PM. Thank you.

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