The TARDIS - A Four Wheel Camper Build


One thing that I finished up over the weekend was removing the large sticker on the door. I do not mind a FWC sticker, but come on, an 800 number? It felt like a bad billboard. Still need to remove the gooey gunk left on from peeling the sticker.

Stan, if you could send me a small FWC sticker, like the ones that are on the side, I would like to put it on the back door. (Yeah, I am proud to own a Four Wheel Camper.) People are smart, if they are interested in my camper they will google Four Wheel Camper.

That is some funny Sh&t. When I visited the 4 Wheel Factory last fall I inquired as to whether my ordered camper could come without stickers. The Salesman was great and admitted that sometimes the stickers solicits un-wanted attention. I was hoping to order mine with no stickers. This is laughable considering I stop and speak to the owners of every FWC I see. I guess thats a good problem to have!

Overland Hadley

on a journey
How's the interior coming?

The wood for the cabinetry is 90%+ finished. It is currently mocked up in the camper and I am planning to work on it this weekend. So look for some photos tomorrow night.

The table top for the Lagun bracket is finished and will be installed soon.

There are a couple more places aluminum sheet might go. Ready when I get there.

The flooring and under floor insulation is ready and is just waiting to finish the cabinetry before installing.

The leather and marine foam is ready to upholster the benches. Also waiting on the cabinetry to be finished.

Random pieces of trim to be put in all over the place.

So.... Lots of things are ready to be worked on, just need to follow the steps. :chef:


If you can find it, lighter fluid takes all those adhesives off without leaving any residue. The lighter fluid I am talking about is for the old lighters that you fill up by squeezing a can and filling up the cotton absorbent inside the bottom. That fluid works real well.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
If you can find it, lighter fluid takes all those adhesives off without leaving any residue. The lighter fluid I am talking about is for the old lighters that you fill up by squeezing a can and filling up the cotton absorbent inside the bottom. That fluid works real well.

I usually use a citrus goo remover, but that is a good tip. Thanks.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
The Lagun table is now finished, complete with mounting brackets in two locations inside the camper.



from post # 213

After spending an evening in a friends Westy camper, I have been on the search for a good pedestal table. I have looked for the last eight months, but was not able to find what I was looking for.

Then ersatzknarf posted a link to the Lagun.

Not sure on the weight, but it is all aluminum so it should not be to bad. Edit: weight is just under 10 pounds.

Will mount a small Baltic Birch table on top. :)


EDIT: Want the real Lagun table, order from SV HotWire

Thanks ersatzknarf!

Review by leadsled9

I was lucky and got one of the last Lagun mounts before the huge price increase. With that said....knowing now how nice it turned out....I'd do it again in a heartbeat, even with the price increase. The table is such an integral and central part of the entire camper functionality. With such a small space inside of these campers...the table functionality becomes a major issue IMO. The before and after functionality of the table means having a table that can be easily adjusted to exactly where you want it.....instead of having a table that is always in the way.

A few issues that the Lagun table mount cleared up for me: 1) I had my table made to larger than normal specs...but that created an issue in that I couldn't open either lid on my under-the-seat storage to it's fully open position with the table mounted as the lids hit the table edge. Now I simply swivel the table over a few inches one way or the other to get full access to the storage boxes. 2) the table leg and mounting pedestal was always in the way for my feet...and I could [not] easily put my feet up on the opposite seat cushion....easy to do now. 3) I always had to dismount the table when traveling....not any more. 4) I like the table at different heights depending on whether I'm typing on my laptop or eating....easy to adjust now. 5) I like the table in different positions depending on what I'm doing....easy to adjust now. 6) the space between the two storage boxes is used for storing large items...and it was a pain to do with the table mounting disk in the problem now.

The Lagun table mount is really a quality product. The materials and the machining work was top notch. My buddy didn't want to mess up the beautiful work on the original he cut the necessary amount out of the MIDDLE of each piece...then welded it back together....ground it all down even....and refinished it with a beautiful powder coat. When he handed the mount back to me....I couldn't even tell they had been modified except that they were the correct length (see picture #1). You might want to consider doing the modifications the same way so as not to effect the machining or the design of the original mount. He did such a beautiful job and he wouldn't even let me pay I bought him some Blue Moon beer....his favorite.

You may choose to alter the lengths of the vertical and horizontal mounts or not....but if you want to mount in the same place as I will have to have the mounting plate modified so the nuts/washers will have clearance. The mount plate originally fit perfect if you didn't need the clearance. The height went right to the top edge of the shelf.

I advise those of you that wish to use a similar mount to get a table made that is larger than the standard FWC table. I'm very pleased with the way the mount turned out.
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New member
One thing that I finished up over the weekend was removing the large sticker on the door. I do not mind a FWC sticker, but come on, an 800 number? It felt like a bad billboard. Still need to remove the gooey gunk left on from peeling the sticker.

I took that off right when I got home. Just used a hair dryer type heat gun thingy (the technical name of the tool for sure) and the decal came right off with no residue.

I learned that trick long ago taking dealership stickers off cars (and the "don't do stupid stuff" warning stickers off motorcycles).

However some of the other stickers I removed did leave some goo. I figured out that a cleaner I use for my motorcycle windshields and helmets called "Plexus". It works wonders on sticker goo and leaves a nice static free shine.

If dealerships want me to leave their info on things they can give me an "advertiser discount". As it is, I pay too much money for stuff like cars, motorcycles, and campers to give the companies _free_ advertising.

"Officer, I know I was going faster than 55mph, but I wasn't going to be on the road an hour." -Steven Wright

Posted from my iPhone using the "Tapatalk" app.


New member
That is some funny Sh&t. When I visited the 4 Wheel Factory last fall I inquired as to whether my ordered camper could come without stickers. The Salesman was great and admitted that sometimes the stickers solicits un-wanted attention. I was hoping to order mine with no stickers. This is laughable considering I stop and speak to the owners of every FWC I see. I guess thats a good problem to have!

I have people stop me and ask about the camper in almost every parking lot I have used since I got the thing...


Nothing like it anywhere in this whole mid-south region.

"Officer, I know I was going faster than 55mph, but I wasn't going to be on the road an hour." -Steven Wright

Posted from my iPhone using the "Tapatalk" app.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Here is the mock-up of the main cabinetry parts. Remember this is minimalist to save weight.


You will notice that I changed the layout slightly. I decided to move the propane locker to the far side on top of the step. I know this is moving some weight away from low and center, but it seemed worth it to me. It allows me to add a second jerry can water tank, and it also allows the storage tote to be sideways which is much better for the interior layout.

The cabinets line up exactly with the edge of the extended bed. Things like this make me happy.


I wanted to design the cabinetry so that it could flex along with the camper. So they are mounted only to the plywood steps of the camper, they are not attached to the campers aluminum frame. The cabinets are through bolted to the camper, and aluminum L brackets attach the pieces of the cabinets. Sorry for the poor pictures, it was 6 hours past my breakfast of cocoa puffs and coffee....




The sink and hob test fit.



I can install the flooring now!

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Am I the only one? I kind of like the stickers. I think fwc did a nice job on them.

I like the small ones on the side and front, the one I have pictured below. It was just the big door sticker with the website and 800 number that was a little too much for me.


New member
I like the small ones on the side and front, the one I have pictured below. It was just the big door sticker with the website and 800 number that was a little too much for me.


It was huge and obnoxious.

The fact that I worked on peeling it off in sub freezing temperatures did not help things. It came off in finger nail sized pieces.

Ouch! Yeah, that didn't help much. :)

"Officer, I know I was going faster than 55mph, but I wasn't going to be on the road an hour." -Steven Wright

Posted from my iPhone using the "Tapatalk" app.

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