the objective behind
the objective of our drive from Aus to Europe was an Easter wedding in Blairgowrie. Noticeable difference between heating damp Scottish air and dry Mongolian air. We enjoyed the mountains as well as the wedding.
One day I'll get round to adding an arduino to measure room temp and control fan speed - proportional control to mimic how I control now, rather than bang-bang on/off. Controlling water flow automatically would be harder and fraught.
We live in Scotland which is not the warmest.......
the objective of our drive from Aus to Europe was an Easter wedding in Blairgowrie. Noticeable difference between heating damp Scottish air and dry Mongolian air. We enjoyed the mountains as well as the wedding.
One day I'll get round to adding an arduino to measure room temp and control fan speed - proportional control to mimic how I control now, rather than bang-bang on/off. Controlling water flow automatically would be harder and fraught.