Thinking about a TD swap. Suggestions?


Expedition Leader
To be honest, when I registered I had no idea that there could be an issue... I went to the DMV said I had swapped the engine to a diesel, they came out to check I was not lying and that was it... I know nothing of the law, but I had no problem and the DMV lady didn't think twice about approving my registration.

That is how many diesel swaps have happened in CA into pre 1999 vehicles since there are no diesel emissions equipment/inspections prior to that year.

I have heard that CARB is getting tougher and putting pressure on the DMV to tighten their diesel swap registration requirements, but I know of quite a few recent swaps that have had the title changed to diesel fuel in the last 60-90 days.

In some DMV offices, a signed statement of facts that the vehicle now used diesel fuel is all that is needed, no inspection required.



I just read your entire build thread. That sounds like a really great way to go.
Couple questions:
How much did the Izuzu cost you?
Where did you get it?
How reliable has it been?
What kind of mileage do you get?
How available are replacement parts?

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Expedition Leader
I just read your entire build thread. That sounds like a really great way to go.
Couple questions:
How much did the Izuzu cost you? I bought a out of registration running truck for $1000.
Where did you get it? I found it on Mud
How reliable has it been? No issues
What kind of mileage do you get? Averaged 20.5 over 24k miles
How available are replacement parts? Any Isuzu, Chevy or GMC truck dealer, and lots of aftermarket support.

If you search mud and 4btswaps Isuzu section, you will find lots of these swaps and great info.

I have have less than than $2200 in my swap after I sold off my 2f and misc parts and did the work in my garage in about 3 weeks of nights and weekends.

A good swap that works great.


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