Thoughts on POR 15 for trailer build?


I think I need a bigger truck!
I used POR 15 on my CDN M101 build a few years ago. The tub was rusty, but only surface rust here and there, nothing major. I ground, prepped and sanded the tub and fenders and frame. I used the POR 15 clear Metal Prep to prep all the bare metal, and then coated all the inside with and outside with POR 15. A nice even coat rolled on... looked great. It was warm and humid, and dried HARd and fast. I gave it a light sand a couple of days later and top coated with a standard auto spray primer, in light coats to build it up. It was a standard non-etching primer, but the substrate of POR 15 was well sanded and cleaned. I painted the interior of the tub with Monstaliner 2 x coats and it stuck like poop to a blanket. The exterior was finished with marine enamel (high gloss red) and I never had any issues with adhesion.

Had I a reason to do it all over again, I would have done the whole exterior with Red Monstaliner too. You can roll that stuff with a foam roller and it turns out amazing. Light texture and tough as nails!

I have tons of pics if you are interested. POR 15 is amazing stuff!


That's good to know.I'm not familiar Monstaliner,( gonna google it). I'll post some pics of the inner tub that I just bed lined yesterday with Liner Xtreeme which I usually love but it was a nightmare yesterday wouldn't spray right,used 2 different guns an ended up rolling a lot of it..I still have to do the Lid an was thinking about using liner Xtreeme but after the debacle yesterday I'm going a different route ,Maybe POR15 an Monstaliner..


I used Rust Bullet, which is very similar to POR-15 from all that I've heard. I have used it a few times, and am completely satisfied with what it does, and that seems to be a common theme. I did RB and then Monstaliner. I used RB for the primer:


Then after sanding it (it gets thick charcoal/black dust when you do so) I put down Monstaliner in black on the inside (I used Red Monstaliner on the outside of my rig) and the black has held up very well even though I put it on in the winter. I used a propane heater to bake it for about 24 hours straight, too:


Love the Monstaliner stuff.


When checking out Monstaliner be sure to check out their chassis saver too — it’s comparable to POR 15
Usually can be found cheaper than POR too
Chassis saver just needs a scuffing before top coat — take the shine off with a 3m pad


I had a very poor experience with Chassis Saver from Magnet Paints (the Monstaliner guys), but POR15 has never let me down. My trailer "frame" and underside were done in POR15, the tongue was TopCoated POR15, and the tub was all done with MagnetPaints Chassis Saver then sanded and Monstalined. I love Monstaliner and will be using it to do my jeep in the future, but I won't use their chassis saver anymore. Application sucked, adhesion is so-so, and it bubbled everywhere when it was applied and left an undesirable texture. POR15 doesn't do that ever. Monstaliner's staff is excellent to work with and will do anything they can to help you out.

Just be sure to TopCoat any POR that will see the sun. It turns to a chalkboard in a month if you don't.

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