Three Generations in Death Valley.


Really awesome job! Its great to see how it all came together. So cool for your son and for your Dad (and obviously you as well). Looks like your boy handled it all really well! Well done. And great pictures- really nice seeing it all.


New member
Great write-up, we missed you by 1 day in Eureka Dunes, we were there on Friday night and went through the steps on Saturday morning. If you thought they were tight in the Jeep, try it in a Raptor and a Superduty.

I think you missed the big wind night while you were back over in Bishop, so probably not a bad thing you were over there. We were up on Echo Canyon that night getting hit by what I would guess was 50-60mph gusts.

Day 2 - Raptor Squeeze 800x600.jpgDay 2 - Steps Josh 1200x600.jpgDay 2 - Steps Sasha 1000x600.jpg


Great write up. I was disappointed when the trip report ended. Great photos too!

I was unaware of Star Wars Canyon. Per your suggestion, I googled it and watched some cool videos over lunch today.

The pic of you and your son at teakettle junction made me smile. You can tell that the two of you are genuinely glad to be there together.

Thanks for taking the time for the trip report.


Great write-up, we missed you by 1 day in Eureka Dunes, we were there on Friday night and went through the steps on Saturday morning. If you thought they were tight in the Jeep, try it in a Raptor and a Superduty.

I think you missed the big wind night while you were back over in Bishop, so probably not a bad thing you were over there. We were up on Echo Canyon that night getting hit by what I would guess was 50-60mph gusts.

Yes, it looks like we were one day behind you. We did get hit by some very strong winds on the night of the 25th in Saline valley. We also had really strong winds one night in Bishop. When we stayed in Echo Canyon, it was a perfectly calm and beautiful night. I think had you guys gone about another .5 miles into the Canyon you would have been sheltered from the winds. Our spot was 3.5 miles in, so not far at all from where you stayed.

Great write up. I was disappointed when the trip report ended. Great photos too!

I was unaware of Star Wars Canyon. Per your suggestion, I googled it and watched some cool videos over lunch today.

The pic of you and your son at teakettle junction made me smile. You can tell that the two of you are genuinely glad to be there together.

Thanks for taking the time for the trip report.

I'm really glad you liked the report. I really was not sure how much to include and if the family stuff would be appreciated or not. My little guy and I our best friends (y)


Great Trip Report. We did much of the same but in reverse somewhat.

We saw you Monday night at the campground, as had driven down from Oregon with my son for his spring break. We arrived just after dark and considered staying at the camp ground and in fact parked on the side road about 50 yards from you- deliberating should we camp here, try and go up into the mountains or grab a hotel. We opted for a hotel after a 12 hour drive in the rig, last chance for a shower.

I did have a question for you. Did the fridge run all week on the battery? Or did you have live power charging the trailer battery. The reason I ask is ice was at a premium that week. Panamint Springs had none and was low on water. Stovepipe Wells only had a camping cooler behind the register with a few bags of ice.


@Teamoatmealpie It's not a bad campground, but having to get tokens to take a hot shower kind of sucked. You can only get the tokens when the office is open, so no last minute shower decisions there!

My fridge was in the back of the Jeep (but the trailer battery for the brakes were getting power from the Jeep via the 7 pin) and it ran all week just on the Jeep battery. I don't have a dual battery setup or solar and it did just fine. Since we never sat in one sport for more than a night (including the time in Bishop), there was no issues with keeping the battery charged up. The Dometic also has a battery cut off to keep from draining it if it gets to low.


I managed to get all of my Overland Badges made up for this trip...


I also played around with a new idea to commemorate our trips...


That last one is a little bit more involved. I had to create the outline of Death Valley and then superimpose our GPS track over it. I then added stars to each of the locations where we camped in the park.


Wow! Not even sure what I’m looking at with those last two photos, but very cool!

Sorry, I did not really explain those. I laser engraved and cut them out of 1/8 Baltic birch. I started making the trail plates (that first photo, roughly 2x3 inches) years ago for each of the Jeep trails that I ran. I made up extras and gave them out to other drivers that ran the trails with me. The trail plates I would typically put the high and low rating in the "tag" area of the plates (the one pictured below has the dates since it was from an annual group event I go on).

For our DV trip, I decided that instead of just trails, I'd do one for each of the major points of interest on our trip. I glue a magnet to the back of mine and stick them to my wall at work. That second photo is something new that I came up with after the trip. It is about 4.25" tall and out of the same Baltic birch.


I'm going to be selling these as a custom item on my site (I do laser engraved Jeep interior and exterior parts) so I've also tested out backing them with hook fastener:


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