Gotta Be Nuts
Anyone know of a durable (or DIY) way of mounting solar panels on a roof that could be tilted? I would not mind turning the truck if needed so a single direction tilt would be ok.
Camping north/south of 55 degrees latitude? It may be worth it. I agree that just adding more panels is probably the better option. If you have a lithium pack the charging needs late in the day drop dramatically (no absorb phase). In that case tilting the panels is less important.
Spend the cost of the tilting hardware on another flat panel. You will almost never go on the roof to tilt the panel, and the few times you do it will be too much of a PITA to move the truck twice a day to take advantage of the tilt. If you need AC you will be south enough to not need tilting panels. AC does not need to be on the roof, ours is under the truck,
If you're short on roof space I really like this idea to double the solar capacity from