Hello again!!! I did fall off the face of the internet planet for a while, haha.
Heres what's been going on since I left you last...
-Logan, UT- So amazing to be able to spend time with one of my absolute best friends and her new husband. After a few days of massive catch up, I took off into the wilderness...
-Bear Lake, UT- So beautiful, just took a quick spin around the lake and headed into Wyoming to camp for the night.
-State Line Campground (at Flaming Gorge Reservoir outside of Manila)- OH MY GOSH. Not only was the ride there absolutely FANTASTIC (one of those, you have to keep blinking to make sure you are actually looking at these pretty things, kind of rides), but the campground was great. A little weird, but great. I love how when looking up campgrounds, they don't always mention what condition the road is in to get there... So needless to say when I saw uneven gravel and silt... I was stoked

BUT, I went slow, kept telling myself to breath, and made it happen. I pretty much pulled over to the first unoccupied space as soon as I got to the lake. Walking around, I couldn't tell if there were actually any spots, or if it was just sort of a free for all. There were plenty of families out and about for Pioneer Day playing around on jet ski's, boats, and just general picnic-ness. I asked a nice lady hanging outside of her RV about the protocol, and she told me to just hang back, relax, and maybe I'll be lucky too and the ranger won't stop by to ask for the $12. My fantastic friend packed me a PB&J for the trip, brown bag and all, so I set up my chair, found some shade, and watched the festivities.
After watching the magic sunset, I was wrestling around in my bivy sack to find some early sleep to be early to rise, then I hear a small voice peeping from somewhere close by...
Young boy-"Excuse me mam?"
Me (Not sure I hear anything)- "Um hello?"
Young boy- "Yes, hi, would you like a hotdog?"
Me (still tangled and enclosed in my bivy)- "Thank you very much, but I'm ok."
Young boy- "Ok, bye!" (followed by quick footsteps off back to his RV
So wonderful to be offered a hot dog at 9:30 at night

Any who, the drive out the next morning was probably my favorite to date. The mountain views were just absolutely astounding, the road in perfect condition and, despite the heavy looming rain cloud who followed me around, I had perfect weather.
-Fruita/Grand Junction, CO- Aaaand, here is where I get stuck.
This is where the whole "purpose" of my trip came from. Get my stuff that my wonderful friend has been storing for almost 4 years, and ship it to NC. How exactly I was planning on doing this..... Well, yeah. Good think I have amazing friends who let me use their cars and helped me figure out how to do this! I will probably go more into depth about the ups and downs of my almost month here, but here are some highlights:
1)Went on my first Westwater raft trip
2)From there got convinced to go to my first concert at Red Rocks with a big group of friends to see the Avett Brothers
3)From there got convinced to go on another raft trip, this time for 6 days through Cataract Canyon
4)Had a birthday
5)Made a million more new friends
6)Finally shipped my stuff via Greyhound bus. Quote from guy who was accepting my bags "So... you're moving? Through Greyhound? And not going with your stuff?"
Me- "Yep! I'm just pretty sure that everything will work out

-Telluride, CO- Needing to just GET OUT OF GRAND JUNCTION (AKA my vortex) I picked a pretty place that I hadn't spent much time in, found a wonderful person who had a couch, and just went for it. If I would have left a week prior I probably would have missed the rain.... BUT HEY! Adventure is fun, and rain is apart of the game. I had ridden a bit in Hawaii with rain, but never over 30mph... So yeah, I wasn't really sure what to expect.
As I was nearing Telluride I kept watching the BLACK cloud of doom suspended over mountains that, of course, was exactly where I was heading. I may not consider myself a very religious person but I figured that if I keep wishing positive reinforcement upon the spots where sun was shining through onto me, that it wouldn't hurt, haha. I kept scanning the sides of the roads and the mini towns to see if there was an overhang for me to hide under/go back to for when the rain hit. Not finding anything, I kept going. Apparently there was a concert/festival that weekend, which employed a MASSIVE influx of hipsters in cars. This actually kept the traffic super slow, which I was pretty happy about, for when the rain came, I realized I couldn't see. You know that perfect mix of lighting where everything looks exactly the same? Well, that was happening, and while I LOVE my windscreen, and I was so grateful that it was redirecting a good bit of rain, it becomes a giant pallet for visual distortion. Not wanting my visor on my helmet to fall to the same fate, I just hunkered down behind it, and followed the lights in front of me, and stared painfully hard at the road, trying to avoid any standing water.
By the time I made it to the first gas station with an overhang, I was freezing. Having not thought about the effect of evaporative cooling and whatnot, I had decided that my tank top that I had under my jacket was going to be just fine. Now I know that when you see a black death cloud, pull over BEFORE you get wet, and put on all of your warm/rain-ish like protection. As soon as I parked the scoot, I was pulling out every layer that I had easy access too, quickly doubling my abominable snow man look. The two motorcyclists that were under there with me in their fancy full body rain gear, looked sadly upon me as I gave them two thumbs up and giggled that I only had a few more miles to go. Pulling into town, I found a fellow two-wheeled rider and promptly parked next to him asking him how his day was. As luck would have it, he responded with; "I recognize you."
Me: "Oh yeah?"
Moto guy: "Yep, actually it was the nose ring that gave it away. I saw you on ADVRider's forum. I didn't think I'd actually run into you anywhere..."
My second ADVRider sighting

I knew it was a good idea to post up there!
The rest of Telluride consisted of: Extreme brunching, Fishing, bar hopping, concert poaching, and just a general good time meeting so many more people.
-Durango, CO- Had another two nights of AWESOME food, wine, margaritas, Bond movies and good conversation.
-Taos, NM- I FINALLY MADE IT OUT OF COLORADO!!! Of course not without something to leave a lasting impression... As soon as I passed the 'Welcome to New Mexico' sign, I saw some more black clouds of death looming over the giant wall of mountains to the west. Breaking out my map and weather app, I confirmed that yes, in fact that was exactly where I was going. Having already made a reservation at a Hostel outside of Taos (so that I would have a place to dry out if it rained), I hunkered down and hoped that the rain would hold off for as long as possible. After I passed the town of Chama, NM, I started weaving up into the mountains. Realizing that, yes, that giant cloud of rain was going to open up above me, I pulled over and layered up. Added a base layer and rain jacket underneath my moto jacket (don't have real moto rain gear, but that seems to work ok!), then swapped my mesh gloves for my warmer waterproof ones and added a neck buff. I was silly and didn't think I needed to layer up the bottom half too... but yes, live and learn! The wind and the rain hit at the same time. Luckily hardly anyone was on the road, but I still struggled to find the balance between adding more wind, and therefore more cold to my legs, having the wind push the rain drops off the windscreen, and just generally being freezing. Trying not to cry, I kept repeating to myself that as long as I keep going, I'll get to where I want to be. Looking behind my shoulder to see what was happening around me, I saw underneath the cloud of doom I was under, an amazing vista of Chama down below. Unable to convince myself that it was worth it to stop and spend more time being wet in the rain, I unfortunately didn't take a photo, but it will forever be seared into my memory. Eventually I found the end of the clouds and the end of the rain. Needing to warm up, I found a place to pull over, found a good song on my playlist, then danced off the chill.
Huzzah! The story goes on

. Almost to Taos, I passed over the Rio Grande Gorge, which I had no idea existed and was pleasantly surprised that it did.
Once I made it to my Hostel for the night, I was mostly aired out, and back to normal temp. After a nice hot shower to just complete the deal, I went next door for happy hour as tequila is always the right choice. Margarita in hand at the bar, I started making friends, next thing I knew I was chatting with the executive chef on his day off, his fantastic girl friend, and another employee who had just gotten off of work. A few more joined us, but we just laughed and chatted until close. Back at the Hostel I helped removed the blackened flesh of green chillies and talked dirtbaggery with my fellow hostel-ies.
I am so lucky that the scary days are also paired with some of the best days.
Sorry that was such a long update!! I figured I owed some goods as I had been away for so long
General plan for the next however long is to keep heading south through New Mexico staying close-ish to I-25 (for gas purposes), then probably going through Carlsbad to get me into Texas. Still just playing this whole thing by ear as the next few states I don't really know anything about, and I don't really know many people in them. We will see how this unfolds!
Until next time!