Timber Me Ginger's Solo Cross Country Scooter Adventure!


Just keep riding and share the good karma with others.

The best gloves I ever bought were some tan deer hide ones from Walden CO. One pair is probably 20 years old.
EWWWWW, tan gloves and a black jacket, on a Harley?

I would loan you my old HD rain gear but it would probably fit you like socks on a rooster. Some friends rode from Oregon to Alaska on dirt bikes and their total rain gear involved trash bags.

Be safe and have a good journey.
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Great adventure, I dont know if I could do a scooter but would love to do similar on a dual sport or ktm or something. I just moved from NC to Ohio, but if you make it around columbus shoot me a message and I'll treat you to some Eagles pizza. Good luck on your trip. i look forward to some more awesome photos.



New member
Happy Trails!

I am enjoying reading your travel log. Stay safe & best wishes for continued fun...


Sarah Blessington
Hello again!!! I did fall off the face of the internet planet for a while, haha.

Heres what's been going on since I left you last...

-Logan, UT- So amazing to be able to spend time with one of my absolute best friends and her new husband. After a few days of massive catch up, I took off into the wilderness...

-Bear Lake, UT- So beautiful, just took a quick spin around the lake and headed into Wyoming to camp for the night.


-State Line Campground (at Flaming Gorge Reservoir outside of Manila)- OH MY GOSH. Not only was the ride there absolutely FANTASTIC (one of those, you have to keep blinking to make sure you are actually looking at these pretty things, kind of rides), but the campground was great. A little weird, but great. I love how when looking up campgrounds, they don't always mention what condition the road is in to get there... So needless to say when I saw uneven gravel and silt... I was stoked o_O.
BUT, I went slow, kept telling myself to breath, and made it happen. I pretty much pulled over to the first unoccupied space as soon as I got to the lake. Walking around, I couldn't tell if there were actually any spots, or if it was just sort of a free for all. There were plenty of families out and about for Pioneer Day playing around on jet ski's, boats, and just general picnic-ness. I asked a nice lady hanging outside of her RV about the protocol, and she told me to just hang back, relax, and maybe I'll be lucky too and the ranger won't stop by to ask for the $12. My fantastic friend packed me a PB&J for the trip, brown bag and all, so I set up my chair, found some shade, and watched the festivities.


After watching the magic sunset, I was wrestling around in my bivy sack to find some early sleep to be early to rise, then I hear a small voice peeping from somewhere close by...

Young boy-"Excuse me mam?"
Me (Not sure I hear anything)- "Um hello?"
Young boy- "Yes, hi, would you like a hotdog?"
Me (still tangled and enclosed in my bivy)- "Thank you very much, but I'm ok."
Young boy- "Ok, bye!" (followed by quick footsteps off back to his RV

So wonderful to be offered a hot dog at 9:30 at night :)
Any who, the drive out the next morning was probably my favorite to date. The mountain views were just absolutely astounding, the road in perfect condition and, despite the heavy looming rain cloud who followed me around, I had perfect weather.


-Fruita/Grand Junction, CO- Aaaand, here is where I get stuck.

This is where the whole "purpose" of my trip came from. Get my stuff that my wonderful friend has been storing for almost 4 years, and ship it to NC. How exactly I was planning on doing this..... Well, yeah. Good think I have amazing friends who let me use their cars and helped me figure out how to do this! I will probably go more into depth about the ups and downs of my almost month here, but here are some highlights:
1)Went on my first Westwater raft trip
2)From there got convinced to go to my first concert at Red Rocks with a big group of friends to see the Avett Brothers
3)From there got convinced to go on another raft trip, this time for 6 days through Cataract Canyon

4)Had a birthday
5)Made a million more new friends
6)Finally shipped my stuff via Greyhound bus. Quote from guy who was accepting my bags "So... you're moving? Through Greyhound? And not going with your stuff?"
Me- "Yep! I'm just pretty sure that everything will work out :)"

-Telluride, CO- Needing to just GET OUT OF GRAND JUNCTION (AKA my vortex) I picked a pretty place that I hadn't spent much time in, found a wonderful person who had a couch, and just went for it. If I would have left a week prior I probably would have missed the rain.... BUT HEY! Adventure is fun, and rain is apart of the game. I had ridden a bit in Hawaii with rain, but never over 30mph... So yeah, I wasn't really sure what to expect.

As I was nearing Telluride I kept watching the BLACK cloud of doom suspended over mountains that, of course, was exactly where I was heading. I may not consider myself a very religious person but I figured that if I keep wishing positive reinforcement upon the spots where sun was shining through onto me, that it wouldn't hurt, haha. I kept scanning the sides of the roads and the mini towns to see if there was an overhang for me to hide under/go back to for when the rain hit. Not finding anything, I kept going. Apparently there was a concert/festival that weekend, which employed a MASSIVE influx of hipsters in cars. This actually kept the traffic super slow, which I was pretty happy about, for when the rain came, I realized I couldn't see. You know that perfect mix of lighting where everything looks exactly the same? Well, that was happening, and while I LOVE my windscreen, and I was so grateful that it was redirecting a good bit of rain, it becomes a giant pallet for visual distortion. Not wanting my visor on my helmet to fall to the same fate, I just hunkered down behind it, and followed the lights in front of me, and stared painfully hard at the road, trying to avoid any standing water.

By the time I made it to the first gas station with an overhang, I was freezing. Having not thought about the effect of evaporative cooling and whatnot, I had decided that my tank top that I had under my jacket was going to be just fine. Now I know that when you see a black death cloud, pull over BEFORE you get wet, and put on all of your warm/rain-ish like protection. As soon as I parked the scoot, I was pulling out every layer that I had easy access too, quickly doubling my abominable snow man look. The two motorcyclists that were under there with me in their fancy full body rain gear, looked sadly upon me as I gave them two thumbs up and giggled that I only had a few more miles to go. Pulling into town, I found a fellow two-wheeled rider and promptly parked next to him asking him how his day was. As luck would have it, he responded with; "I recognize you."

Me: "Oh yeah?"
Moto guy: "Yep, actually it was the nose ring that gave it away. I saw you on ADVRider's forum. I didn't think I'd actually run into you anywhere..."

My second ADVRider sighting :) I knew it was a good idea to post up there!

The rest of Telluride consisted of: Extreme brunching, Fishing, bar hopping, concert poaching, and just a general good time meeting so many more people.


-Durango, CO- Had another two nights of AWESOME food, wine, margaritas, Bond movies and good conversation.


-Taos, NM- I FINALLY MADE IT OUT OF COLORADO!!! Of course not without something to leave a lasting impression... As soon as I passed the 'Welcome to New Mexico' sign, I saw some more black clouds of death looming over the giant wall of mountains to the west. Breaking out my map and weather app, I confirmed that yes, in fact that was exactly where I was going. Having already made a reservation at a Hostel outside of Taos (so that I would have a place to dry out if it rained), I hunkered down and hoped that the rain would hold off for as long as possible. After I passed the town of Chama, NM, I started weaving up into the mountains. Realizing that, yes, that giant cloud of rain was going to open up above me, I pulled over and layered up. Added a base layer and rain jacket underneath my moto jacket (don't have real moto rain gear, but that seems to work ok!), then swapped my mesh gloves for my warmer waterproof ones and added a neck buff. I was silly and didn't think I needed to layer up the bottom half too... but yes, live and learn! The wind and the rain hit at the same time. Luckily hardly anyone was on the road, but I still struggled to find the balance between adding more wind, and therefore more cold to my legs, having the wind push the rain drops off the windscreen, and just generally being freezing. Trying not to cry, I kept repeating to myself that as long as I keep going, I'll get to where I want to be. Looking behind my shoulder to see what was happening around me, I saw underneath the cloud of doom I was under, an amazing vista of Chama down below. Unable to convince myself that it was worth it to stop and spend more time being wet in the rain, I unfortunately didn't take a photo, but it will forever be seared into my memory. Eventually I found the end of the clouds and the end of the rain. Needing to warm up, I found a place to pull over, found a good song on my playlist, then danced off the chill.


Huzzah! The story goes on :). Almost to Taos, I passed over the Rio Grande Gorge, which I had no idea existed and was pleasantly surprised that it did.


Once I made it to my Hostel for the night, I was mostly aired out, and back to normal temp. After a nice hot shower to just complete the deal, I went next door for happy hour as tequila is always the right choice. Margarita in hand at the bar, I started making friends, next thing I knew I was chatting with the executive chef on his day off, his fantastic girl friend, and another employee who had just gotten off of work. A few more joined us, but we just laughed and chatted until close. Back at the Hostel I helped removed the blackened flesh of green chillies and talked dirtbaggery with my fellow hostel-ies.

I am so lucky that the scary days are also paired with some of the best days.

Sorry that was such a long update!! I figured I owed some goods as I had been away for so long :)

General plan for the next however long is to keep heading south through New Mexico staying close-ish to I-25 (for gas purposes), then probably going through Carlsbad to get me into Texas. Still just playing this whole thing by ear as the next few states I don't really know anything about, and I don't really know many people in them. We will see how this unfolds! :D

Until next time!
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Sarah Blessington
Hey all you wonderful people.

Someone had sent me a message suggesting that I post here what I had been putting up on Facebook. It's been a rough couple of days for me, so I figured I'd just keep on this train of being honest, and share here:

Tuesday Sept 13th

"This, my friends, is what a broken down scooter looks like right before the sun sets in the middle of nowhere.


Yep, you read that right: Broken. Down. A shredding belt at 65mph felt like I was sinking down into quicksand. I am so grateful that nothing seized, that no one was tailing me, that there was a shoulder, and that I was able to pull over quickly. Also, I was only on the side of the road for a minute until a lovely couple on a Harley pulled over and waited for the tow truck to arrive. (Pats self on shoulder for getting AAA) We eventually attracted a very nice sherif to turn on his lights behind the bikes, so that oncoming traffic could actually see us, as the sun had officially left the building. Just another day in #ScooterLife for Jolene and I. I am safe and in a motel for the night. Jolene is parked across the street at the Harley Davidson shop with a note stuck in the windshield. Will let you all know what happens!!!"

Wednesday Sept 14th

"Ok. An update:

I am waiting to hear if my shop back in San Francisco can overnight me a belt. (Other shops are quoting me 10 days for them to get it, eBay/Amazon is at 15+ to get the part from the UK) The man I spoke to gave me some tips on what I need to do to change the belt. Also, found a fancy YouTube video that explains the process pretty well. The folks at the Harley shop are all very nice, are totally happy to keep the bike parked there while I find parts, but don't know what they can do to help service wise. Their insurance won't allow me into the shop (totally understandable), so I'm kinda SOL on that front... (Apparently I need an impact wrench thing) The sherif that helped out last has a trailer and knows of a shop that I might be able to work out of, so we will see where that goes.

I've been debating what exactly to share about the emotional side of things (AHH, feelings!).... But hey, honesty is the best policy and I don't want to paint this situation a color it's not.

I'm a little freaking out.

1) This is a big deal repair (read, above my pay grade at this point), and apparently I know more about scooters than anyone else in this town (that I have met so far). I know that I am capable, it just doesn't make me feel any less freaked out that I can't look to someone else to tell me that I did it right. I just keep telling myself that this is a one step at a time sort of thing, and it will all work out.

2) I am quickly watching the dollar signs climb up and out of my wallet and I am trying to figure out how to deal with that. I may end up needing to be here for a few more days waiting for parts and I just need to breath and take it as it comes.

3) I deal with depression. Each aspect of this situation has had the opportunity to wipe me out. And I am struggling to separate each aspect from the clump, and give it a realistic evaluation, so that I can call it what it is and take care of it. I am trying to do that, and take care of my self; eat, get sleep, drink water. These things that come naturally to many others, but when I get in this place, becomes rocket science. I know this might not make sense to some. All I ask is to be heard, to be seen in this place that I am in. I would love to say that I can just woman up and do it, but it is really quite hard for me, as much as I wish it wasn't. This doesn't make me weak, this is a symptom of a problem I have that I am working on. I am telling you all this and putting it out there because I think it is important that I don't disappear and fall into never never land.

I don't know what I need beyond putting these words down.

❤️❤️Thank you all for your support of this crazy adventure I am on ❤️❤️

Here's to hoping this will all be resolved quickly!"

Thursday Sept 15th

"Yesterday was both terrible and wonderful. Wonderful in that people from everywhere have offered incredible words of support on here, called me and just in general showered me with kindness. Terrible in that I asked to be seen, and I was. I forget that being vulnerable offers up the opportunity for important growth, and by golly, sometimes that hurts like hell.

I cried. And while maybe I like the idea of crying... I hate crying. It's uncomfortable and it's gross. I actually can't remember the last damn time I've cried that much. My eyes are all blotchy and swollen and that's terrible. But the great thing that follows? Not holding on to stupid bull**** that keeps me from thriving in my life.

I had such a barrage of support coming from so many directions that my silly little brain just couldn't hold off from feeling any more.

My tipping point began with someone offering to take care of paying for a mechanic, night at the motel, or what ever I needed. I started to read the message, and I just couldn't process it. How in the world could someone actually offer that to me? Then came the deluge of reasoning telling myself that I can't accept that. That this is a journey that I got myself into, and only I am responsible for getting myself out.

Then a phone call from another friend I have yet to actually meet in person, but follow on the interwebs. He told be about the kindness that has been offered to him in times of need, and what someone had told him when he was in similar shoes:

"Why do you have trouble accepting this when you would not hesitate to do the same for a friend? What makes this different?"

And there I was, on the phone with someone I have never spoken to on the phone before, and the tears just came. I couldn't tell them to bugger off any longer. Talk about a big ol slice of humble pie.

Getting off the phone, I reread the message that started off with:
"Please don't worry about me helping this situation"
My friends obviously know me quite well.

So yeah, I cried some more. All wadded up in my motel bedsheets and cocooned by pillows, balling my eyes out, I felt the least alone I could possibly feel in Roswell, NM.

After determining that no amount of splashing water on my face was going to make me look any less a mess, I marched my *** back over to the Harley shop and asked for help. I had the belt I needed being overnighted to their location and when it got there I was going to need them to put it on. Without an impact wrench, and some other tools, there was just no way I was going to pull this off safely in a parking space in the rain.

The man at the service desk went over what would be needed to make this happen. He let me send them an email with the mechanic service manual that some scooter ninja has put on the Internet in PDF form, along with the links to the YouTube videos showing the installation. He scheduled me with the mechanic he knew would take the time to watch the videos and do a good job.

I am so grateful. I am more than that. I am a lot of very happy things. I am stuck in Roswell, of all places, with an army of people, both strangers and friends, who would do anything for me. I thank my lucky stars that my life has lead to this.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I think this whole thing will work out just fine. ❤️��"

And now... Today!

Jolene is ready to rock and roll!! :clapYesterday I heard sort of a sketchy sound coming from the belt, but after she warms up, the sound goes away. She actually is accelerating better than she did before, too! The folks at the Harley dealership did a great job. Taking off the cover, things look clean and the belt is tight. So... Let's just go with breaking in a new CVT belt for a scooter just sounds like that :)

The road is calling...


(This picture was taken right before I got to play chase with a train on the way into Vaughn, NM. How does one do that, you ask? Well, every time we would catch up to one another, they would pull the horn and wave :) It was a fun way to spend 30 minutes!)

Until next time!


Your pictures and narrative are terrific. You are doing something many envy you for. This type of trip is not to be taken lightly and is as you have found sometime dangerous.
Being a Dad who has encouraged his kids to explore, I am still not sure I would feel completely comfortable if my daughter was doing this trip. Kudos to you.
I hope you are keeping a journal with more details of your experiences, maybe you can write a book about them, like Cheryl Strayed did on her Pacific Crest Trail hike.
Keep plugging along and thanks for checking in with us, you have many supporters who are following you.

Jim Oaks

My tipping point began with someone offering to take care of paying for a mechanic, night at the motel, or what ever I needed. I started to read the message, and I just couldn't process it. How in the world could someone actually offer that to me? Then came the deluge of reasoning telling myself that I can't accept that. That this is a journey that I got myself into, and only I am responsible for getting myself out.

Because your trip is inspirational.

Many people surf the web, plan, dream, but don't do it. To many people live in a bubble, and traveling very far from home is a big ordeal for them.

Many adventurers would encourage and support someone brave enough to take on the challenge that you have. I got to a point reading this (and I'm sure others did as well) where I wanted to make a contribution to get you back on the road. Then I read where you had already received offers of help.

With that said.....

Great trip. Keep us posted. And happy belated birthday!


New member
Glad it all worked out for you, and don't be afraid to get a little help once in a while. Like someone already mentioned, there are plenty of folks out there who would gladly help someone in your situation, just so they could continue on their wonderful journey that many of us wish we were on... and that is reason enough :)

Happy trails!


It is an inspiring write up you are doing so keep on going on.

You seem to have found out that not all Harley riders are the thugs shown in the movies. I used to ride with tools, siphon hose to share gas, oil, a can of fix a flat and helped push several bikes to get them going again.

Just what you do...

Rain? You deal with it and empty the water out of your shoes when you get stopped. Hail, You just have to deal with it as well as much as it may hurt.

Keep on riding.


Sarah Blessington
Well folks.... I think little miss Jolene has danced her last dance.

I now get to learn the lesson of ALWAYS listen to your gut. I knew that when I left the Harley shop, that something wasn't quite right with the instal of the belt, but I was hoping it would last me long enough to get to San Antonio, TX to have a SYM dealer take a look. Unfortunately, that was not the case. While cruising through Big Bend National Park (read: REALLY, REALLY in the middle of nowhere looking at Mexico) my belt shredded yet again.


This time, the sound that followed made my heart sink deep in my chest. Somehow, because apparently I have an army of guardian angles surrounding me, I so happened to break down in a section of the park where I actually had cell service. A wonderful friend I was staying with in the Big Bend area was able to come save me from the wicked sunburn I was getting on the side of the road with his trailer. While I was waiting for him to arrive, I was able to post to my Facebook page saying that I was broken down, and really had no idea what I was going to do. I was thrilled to have a safe place to spend the night, with food, water, and great company, but from there... There was just a big question mark.

Within the next few hours, "strangers" had started to flood my Facebook post with thoughts on what the problem might be, and ideas on how to fix it. Also, I started receiving messages from people who had found my picture shared on various rider assistance pages. Next thing I knew, someone who was already planning on heading out toward my direction anyway, agreed to help me load up my sweet Jolene into the back of his truck so he could take me to San Antonio, and to the SYM mechanic. Simultaneously, there was another offer from a fellow scooter enthusiast who offered me a couch to stay on, and a Vespa to use while my scoot was out of commission. He also knew the local SYM mechanic, so got me an address to ship a new belt and rollers, with the expectation that I would be there the following morning to inspect the bike, and hopefully have a quick fix. I really am still just blown away by the generosity of "strangers", who I now hope to be friends with for a long time.

I arrived late that evening after a long drive from the desert of Big Bend. I was greeted with incredible homemade Korean and Lebanese food, amazing new friends, and wonderful conversation to take my mind off Jolene, who was patiently waiting in the bed of my new friend's pick up truck for the next morning.

Early the next day, we arrived at the shop and quickly got to setting Jolene up on the lift.



After taking off the CVT cover and exposing the rollers (laying on the lift with a close up in the second picture), the words "I've never seen this before" were uttered more than once. The belt was not installed properly the first time, and has destroyed the variator, the crank and a few other small bits. One of the bolts was barely torqued, keeping the important gears loose, and therefore completely balding out the gears. The shop would need to take apart the entire rear end of the scooter to repair all of the damage. AND, to top it off, the parts I would need to fix it, would take up to two weeks to arrive. So... With paying for parts, shipping, and lots of labor, I'm looking at a base price of $1800 just to fix the scooter, (which is more than I paid for her). I am sure you all can imagine the hit to the heart all of this is.

After specing out the cost to fix the scooter, the mechanic and I then went through a couple different options of what else they could offer me. They are willing to take her for parts at $300, or as a trade in on a new 2015 version (with two years of warranty) of my sweet Jolene out the door for $3000. At this point, $300 will get me to North Carolina, and that just might have to be that.

I am feeling a lot of things as I weigh all of my options and trying to remind myself that Jolene was and has been a tool for a job.

Even if I were to get a different scooter, I would still have to fabricate a way to cary all of my gear and extra fuel... The benefit of staying with a SYM scooter are many in that I can just transfer all of my existing add ons to the new scoot, I already have a tool set for the bike, and I feel really comfortable on the bike.

I could perhaps get a uhaul truck, stick her in the back and drive back to NC, but then that starts to get costly...

I have until Tuesday AM to come up with a plan.

A wonderful soul created a GoFundMe on my behalf knowing that I am terrible asking for help (with a message saying just that). I don't want to break any forum rules in posting a link here, but if anyone is interested in keeping me on the road to finish this journey, there is a link to the fundraiser on my Facebook page under TimberMeGinger.

I am so lucky to have made an amazing group of friends instantly being in San Antonio, and as it turns out, this place is awesome!!!

If this trip does end here in the middle of Texas, I keep trying to remind myself that it doesn't mean this adventure is a failure. I know that the last few months have been filled with unbridled joy and fantastic new experiences. Perhaps after I establish myself again, I will find a way to try this again.

I will post again when I figure out what my next step is! Thank you all for coming along with me in this adventure.


Austere Medical Provider
What an adventure!

My vote is jolene II, getting that far on a scoot is worthy, making it across legendary!!!! You have learned every lesson seen every sight and reveled every day, imagine if you can what comes next...

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