Clark White
Well we're winding down our short tour of the Yucatan. We've been diving in Cozumel for a week, and spent a few days in Belize, but now our rental 4Runner has destroyed it's front differential (I think it blew a carrier bearing, but it could be one of the other bearings too, it makes a terrible grinding noise unless it's in 4x4 and torque is going to the front left). So that leaves us stranded in San Ignacio up on the Guatemalan border until we can convince the rental agency to come get us (they're bitching about how far away we are and want us to see if we can get it fixed...). We spent the whole day yesterday at Caracol which in order to appease the American State Dept requires a Police escort (they take you in and out at set times with about a dozen heavily armed Para Military Special Police). We have a few more days to kill before we return late Christmas Eve, so we're not sure just what we want to do for those few days. Maybe Tikal (though that is quite expensive) or maybe Cayes, but that all depends on our rapidly depleting budget.
Clark White
Clark White