You can get Bilstein 6112s for the front of the 2014-2018 Silverados. They include new springs and would be a good match to the recommended 5160 rears. They're also a good compromise between 5100 front shocks and the pricier options like Fox 2.0 or 2.5, or Icons. The 6112 is adjustable for up to 2" of lift also, with snap ring grooves like the 5100. I feel like the Fox 2.0 is sort of overpriced for what you're really getting.
I was actually going to ask if bilstein made something like this. I think that might settle it for me. the Fox look nice not to say the Icon, but $$$ and real use dictate something a bit different.
Then again, the budget just took a hit when I found out that the car needs new shoes too. Four new tires at $250 ea just took half the budget.
So it looks like I will start with the 6112's for the front, for now. Leave the factory Ranchos in back, and fit in 4 new tires for the truck also.
Wait for the bank account to recuperate and finish off the truck.
Hopefully the ride on the truck won't suck too bad.
Thanks for all the replies and help guys. Much appreciated.