I am in New England and have the factory dark tint on my rear windows and 35% on top of the factory tint on the front. I think the 35% is great because its the best of both worlds: Dark enough to look good, cool the interior, provide privacy and not draw any unwanted attention. Any darker than 30% on the front and I would not be able to see. Where I am we have almost no street lights and the woods are dark, no light pollution.
Another thing to think about is the reflections of sun off of snow. That light is bright and comes from random directions! The tint really cuts down on that and saves you from the glare.
I think it really depends on the officer and not the state, but can attest to NY being on anyone with dark tint. Multiple members of my family (we have 35% on all our cars) have been pulled over for dark Tint when passing through New York. I never understood how they can do that because the car is registered and inspected out of state.... I go to school in New Hampshire where you are not allowed any tint on the front windows and have not been questioned about it once.

Another thing to think about is the reflections of sun off of snow. That light is bright and comes from random directions! The tint really cuts down on that and saves you from the glare.
I think it really depends on the officer and not the state, but can attest to NY being on anyone with dark tint. Multiple members of my family (we have 35% on all our cars) have been pulled over for dark Tint when passing through New York. I never understood how they can do that because the car is registered and inspected out of state.... I go to school in New Hampshire where you are not allowed any tint on the front windows and have not been questioned about it once.