Tips for Overland/Offroad Drone Photography?


Active member
I applaud the Canadian government...somewhat. Those rules are similar to restrictions for FAA-certified commercial pilots in the U.S. Maximum altitude is 400 feet. The aircraft MUST remain within visual line of sight...FPV does not meet that requirement. We cannot fly directly over any person unless that person is directly involved in the shoot (member of the crew, etc.) or under protective cover. The distance from people sounds a bit strict, but I understand the reasoning. There is no similar restriction in the U.S. on distance from people, buildings, etc. You just can't fly directly over people. The 400' altitude can change if you are shooting a tall structure. You are allowed to go 400' above the tallest point of the structure as long as you stay within a 400' radius of the structure.

I will be shooting the vendor display at next week's Easter Jeep Safari for the Red Rock 4-Wheelers. I had to do some extensive pre-planning to allow me to shoot it within FAA-regulations...but I'm sure I'll see drones illegally flying directly over the 10-acre vendor display area.


Inactive Member
I just got an email from the FAA where they have now created UAS (Drone) specific no-fly zones for the first time. It appears to only cover military installations which should be a no-brainer anyway, but I'm sure some jerks have been testing their patience and finally go them to make it law. Actually it only seemed to be over some installments and not all, so it appeared quite reasonable at least from the map I looked at.

Lucky j

I just got an email from the FAA where they have now created UAS (Drone) specific no-fly zones for the first time. It appears to only cover military installations which should be a no-brainer anyway, but I'm sure some jerks have been testing their patience and finally go them to make it law. Actually it only seemed to be over some installments and not all, so it appeared quite reasonable at least from the map I looked at.

You guys have a nice app for this, it is called b4yfly with all the restrictiv place. We do not have this no acces to it from a canadian appstore.

As for the canadian regulation

Ok, so I went to get the right info

If you fly your drone for fun and it weighs more than 250 g and up to 35 kg, you do not need special permission from Transport Canada to fly.

Follow the basic safety rules below. Not doing so may put lives, aircraft and property at risk. If you fly where you are not allowed or choose not to follow any of the rules below, you could face fines of up to $3,000.

These are the regulation for recreationsl use ( not the detail but a resumé) for anything else where you you get benefit, ib
Ncluding survey your own farm land, you would need a permit for any event.

And no, you would not be able to fly 90 higher than the building you are talking about. And how would you do that unless the building is in the middle of a field??

Do not fly your drone:

higher than 90 m above the ground ( about 300 ft) to me, this is to stay clear of chopper and plan altitude, but why the hell would they fly that low unless you are a crop duster or doing med evac?? (The 400 ft of the faa make more sence but even so, it could be higher)
closer than 75 m from buildings, vehicles, vessels, animals, people/crowds ( about 240 ft) try doing that near a city building no matter what hight since it is lateral distance. But I do agree within a city locatiin with people, trafic, and building + interference and variable wind condition created by the air circulation around the buildings
closer than nine km from the centre of an aerodrome (any airport, heliport, seaplane base or anywhere that aircraft take-off and land) (this I totaly agree with)
within controlled or restricted airspace (I agree with that)
within nine km of a forest fire ( I agree with that )
where it could interfere with police or first responders ( I agree with that but we do not do med evac i. Quebec)
at night or in clouds ( in clouds I understand, but I night, i made very nice picture just above my cabin over looking the St-larence river with a full moon, so location should be the essence but I do understand in city or difficult area)
if you can’t keep it in sight at all times ( I understand that but a conbination of flight info, video feed, open space, direct rth path should give some slack, but how to accomodate all those variables)
if you are not within 500 m of your drone ( this should allow for some follow me mode with a pilot in the passenger seat)
if your name, address, and telephone number are not clearly marked on your drone. ( this is similar to faa but not as official and agree for responsability purpose)

And it is for anybody from any country that want to gly a drone for recreational purpose and can be inforced by any law officer.

So forget about any closeup shot in your jeep trip with our regulation, unless you go for an exemption with can take as much as 20 days to recieve if all the paperwork is good.

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