Tire Balance Made Easy (DIY)

dust devil

I'm planning on using some copperhead bb's I've got laying around.

This chart recommends 10oz per tire for my size tires, but I'm planning to use 12oz, just to be safe. I've heard a little extra can't hurt.


Let us know if you try this. I would expect the noise from 12 ounces of BB's running loose in the wheel to be more than annoying at low speeds, as in trail driving, pulling up to and away from stop lights, and so on. I would also expect that they will peen the paint from the inside of steel wheels.

I doubt they will rust, even if there is moisture inside the tire. Constant contact will keep rust off the inside of the wheel and the BB's as well.


Expedition Leader
let us know if you try this. I would expect the noise from 12 ounces of bb's running loose in the wheel to be more than annoying at low speeds, as in trail driving, pulling up to and away from stop lights, and so on. I would also expect that they will peen the paint from the inside of steel wheels.

I doubt they will rust, even if there is moisture inside the tire. Constant contact will keep rust off the inside of the wheel and the bb's as well.



I use airsoft pellets about 2 oz in each tire. I get a little unbalanced when I take a corner at high speeds. usually settles down within a 100 yards or so. I've found I can force it to rebalance if I stab the brakes quickly once I'm driving straight again.

Got about 22,000 on a the MTR's with the beads. No complaints.

I decided to give this a try after 3 trips to a shop to balance a tire in 30 days.


Let me tell you that gets old fast, not to mention the stupid answer or reason you get. "rims bent" "tire irregularity" "tires to big (33)".


How about "I don't even balance the tires on my truck, there's just too much rubber" That's from the guy that balances tires.

I have tried the Dyna Beads and Equal with poor results. Equal I am guessing clumped during winter conditions. The Dyna Beads were 1st on a porly worn set. I just got some "33" KM2's and I am thinking about the Centamatic's


Expedition Leader
I'm with you on the centramatics just don't know if they will fit my setup or not as I keep reading they have trouble clearing toyota calipers for some reason. I love the your tires are to big comment as I reply "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" Then I ask can you balance the tires on my moms H2, and they reply sure, I then go fo the gut shot well those are 35" tires and mine are smaller that so what the problem? (use of fictional mom and H2 subject to change). But seriously centrmatics are being considered, though the get the tires balanced b4 you install them baffles me.



So far so good

Just bought some Dynabeads for my 265/75/16 BFG AT's, which I have had a difficult time keeping balanced. I hope to install this weekend. I also just recently put on some Mickey Thompson Classic Locks and due to the cosmetic ring on the outside, the tire shop mounted the clip-on weights on the inside only. So I'm guessing they just attempted a static balance instead of a dynamic balance, but not really certain.

So i'm wondering if I should leave the clip-on weights on or not with the Dynabead install? Any thoughts?

Here are the wheels I have.

I put the Dynabeads in on Saturday, and gradually took the clip-on weights off a little at a time. Took the front weights off one day then drove to work. Took the back weights off yesterday and drove around today. So far so good with no weights at all. I'm driving about 4 hours on the interstate this weekend, so I'll see how they hold up.


Let us know if you try this. I would expect the noise from 12 ounces of BB's running loose in the wheel to be more than annoying at low speeds, as in trail driving, pulling up to and away from stop lights, and so on. I would also expect that they will peen the paint from the inside of steel wheels.

So I've been running the Kelly Armorsteel KDA 295/75/22.5 tires for about a month now.

I've noticed no vibrations on the street or highway, and cannot hear the bb's. This could be due to the 5" straight piped exhaust though.

I believe my days of going to the tire shop are over. I'll simply order tires cheaper online, have them shipped to my house, mount, and use bb's to balance them. Of course I shouldn't need tires for this truck for quite a long time :victory:

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