Tour de Canada part deux


Expedition Leader
That's Mrs Sasquatch.

Funny you should mention that Mr Jeep. I have been tracking the sasquach for a long time now. Often only seeing mild foot prints and other signs on the trail. I think that the sasquach is a sly devil that sends out minions to try to lead us off his trail..

and then I got another shot. Perhaps you are right. It is Mrs sasquach....:Wow1:


Expedition Leader
And even if that was not enough I find that the saquatches minions are quite devious, and somewhat distracting...

I almost wonder if they might be plucked from the bushhooker clan....:Wow1:


We go places
Now that is an impressive axle!!

Ok people sorry for my lack of updates once again. I lost the cable to my camera after trying to upload at the local place. So here are more pics.

Here you can see Rick supervising the installation of the new springs in the Vortec powered Blazer with 2.5 ton military diffs.

Now talk about a radical:Wow1:lift! What you guys think?


Expedition Leader
Keeping up with the tradition that we love steak...

as you can see its some nice beef...

You got to love it...:drool:


Chilli, you are a sick person to be up at this time of the night. Wait, I am up at this time as well... A few hours time difference between us. I'm just waiting for the doughnut shop to open. About another 1 1/2 hours.


Expedition Leader
Chilli, you are a sick person to be up at this time of the night. Wait, I am up at this time as well... A few hours time difference between us. I'm just waiting for the doughnut shop to open. About another 1 1/2 hours.

Well you know it is allways good with a midnight update....:Wow1:


Renaissance Redneck
Chilli, you are a sick person to be up at this time of the night. Wait, I am up at this time as well... A few hours time difference between us. I'm just waiting for the doughnut shop to open. About another 1 1/2 hours.

Unka- Chilli lives 11 months of the year in Denmark. He is 7 hours ahead of you, and 8 hours ahead of me on the west coast.

Sorry to blow your cover Alan. You're still a "sick person" either way! :elkgrin:


Unka- Chilli lives 11 months of the year in Denmark. He is 7 hours ahead of you, and 8 hours ahead of me on the west coast.

Sorry to blow your cover Alan. You're still a "sick person" either way! :elkgrin:
I guessed as much given when he posts.


Expedition Leader
Unka- Chilli lives 11 months of the year in Denmark. He is 7 hours ahead of you, and 8 hours ahead of me on the west coast.

Sorry to blow your cover Alan. You're still a "sick person" either way! :elkgrin:

Ow well someone has to be sick around here....:Wow1:

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