Trail etiquette question


Hey Guys,

I just got back from a trip to Death Valley and I'm pretty sure I pissed off a motorcyclist when trying to pass. I'm hoping you guys can offer some advice or input regarding if I did the right thing. And, if not, what would be the proper etiquette.

So here's what happened:

I was leading a group of 6 trucks and we were headed out to the Race Track in DV. Surprisingly there was a lot of traffic. Lots of tourists in rental SUV's and even a french woman trying to make it out in a Chevy Malibu! Needless to say, we were doing a lot of passing. I eventually came upon a moto and Acura SUV traveling at 15mph so they were both pretty slow moving. The moto was trailing back to stay out of the SUV's dust so there was a fair amount of space between them.

The moto didn't seem to have side view mirrors so I pulled up pretty close to him on the left to let him know I was behind him and wanted to pass. Eventually he noticed me and seemed to get upset that I was so close to him. He quickly got on the gas and caught up to the SUV. In doing so he also gassed it pretty hard kicking up rocks...they didn't hit my truck but I could tell he knew what he was doing. I then began to realize the ************** in the Acura was holding him up and he must have given up trying to pass so he dropped back to get out of the dust. He then looked back and shook his head. Not sure if it was directed at me or him saying "what am I supposed to do". Eventually he pulled over and let me by. I proceeded to ride the Acura's tail closely with my light bars on. I guess the site of a big truck with 37's on their *** was a bit more imposing so he finally pulled over. We eventually reach the race track and stopped for lunch. 15 minutes later the moto finally passed us and dusted us on purpose. I say on purpose since he gunned it just as he was passing.

Should I have done something different? Also, the speed limit is 35 mph and they were going 10-15 MPH.


Your ok. The Moto should have passed the Arura if he had the chance or just pull over and let everyone pass. Sounds like the rider was having a bad day. When I'm on the bike I rarely get passed but if I do I slow to get more distance so I'm not eating dust. Whenever I pass someone I always give a quick wave when I go by. I'm into the 4X4 thing too, I know how nice it is to get around slow drivers. Generally, people pull over when they see their slowing traffic. You might have pissed him off but you did ok.


Adventurer Thanks for the input.

I always try to be respectful of others, especially the motorcycles. Pretty much the first time I've ever passed a bike on the trail so I wasn't sure 100% sure on how to handle it. It was pretty funny as you could tell who the tourists were and who were the people who actually offroad regularly. Every offroader we passed pulled over pretty much immediately, tourists it would usually take a us riding on their butts for them to get the point and pull over.

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