Trail Outfitters New Expedition Rig...Toyota 4X4 Chinook

Please Please Please tell me you were NOT going to buy a rare vehicle to cut it up and put on your 80! :Wow1::Wow1:As a fellow overlander I would think you would see the value in keeping this original. These can be had for a lot less that what the asking price is in 2wd and you wont be ruining a Radical truck. Sorry for the hijack I just thought it was necessary.


As said in the thread a few times we are not cutting this one up. NEVER!!!! We are using a 2wd we picked up for $900.

We have everything to start on this project just trying to get some other customer's Cruisers out of the shop first. Our Client has some great ideas for us!!

The 4x4 Chinook did sell. The new owner is flying out in September to pick it up and drive it home. In the mean time we will be rebuilding the axles front and rear, installing a 2 inch OME lift, and installing 80 series TRE and a beefy tie rod. I will get pics up once we start.

Thanks for all the kind words on the Chinook. It was hard to let it go, but I can't afford to keep everything I buy...even though I would like to.



Look who joined the fun!

Does anyone know how to jack up the front of the 2wd 1977 toyota pickup? I want to flip the rear axel but don't know how to do the front.

My interior will be replaced with a eurovan camper one I found. Lots of work ahead!

If you haven't already figured it out I can help you on the info. I am a toyota freak. I can give you a basic parts list. just PM me



Look who joined the fun!

Does anyone know how to jack up the front of the 2wd 1977 toyota pickup? I want to flip the rear axel but don't know how to do the front.

My interior will be replaced with a eurovan camper one I found. Lots of work ahead!


Nice looking project.

The best way to jack it up would be a SAS :p

BTW, I had a Chinook a few years ago... sold it to fund a trip to Central America.... here are the photos from the ebay auction incase anyone is interested.

Every Toyota fan loves the Chinooks... mine won "Best Unique Model" at TORC Fest in 2005.


The only bad thing about them.... no bathroom :)

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