Trailer carnage pics :(


Didn't want to detour the conqueror mod thread, but wanted to document the carnage my trailer took a couple weeks ago on a return quest from Utah.

The below happened a short while after a couple winching recoveries. Apparently I should have stopped, took in the sights while letting my adrenaline come back down a bit. The trailer took a double 'bump' a bit different than my truck and capsized :( The below is the result. Be gentle, I'm still mourning.

Self recovery via two snatch blocks.

The double bump. Pretty sad considering the offroad mileage I racked up on this journey, alone (~250miles up till this happened). Arrgh.


Expedition Leader
Oh man what a bummer. I don't see much actual damage however. Seems to be in good shape still


Carnage pics...

Damage list:
Front tent hinge plate -done.
Rear tent hinge plate - done.
One frig handle - done.
Driver side trailer door, heavily dented.
Lower flashing, dented (not that big of a deal).
Being down a camper at the start of 'desert' season, arrgh.


Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I encourage you to take the tent to a canvas shop for them to patch or repair.

If you want to contact Conqueror Direct in SA, shoot me an e-mail.
I have an e-mail address to someone there.

It may help, but they are quite slow to respond.



On the bright side. Very nice self recovery. Even as your trailer was showing its belly you kept your cool and did a nice job righting it. It could have been much worse. It seems you have some creative skills. You will probably get it up and camping soon again. Good luck.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Many learn from these experiences, including you.

SAR Jeepster

Your not alone

I feel your pain this happened to me 2 weeks ago.

SAR Jeepster

The Day wasn't over yet

I must have taken the corner to fast. I up righted the trailer and headed home but after 14 hours on the road at 12:00am in the mountains the driver side rear axle bearing seized and broke the axle. It only took less than 2 hours to cut the old one out and replace it for the last 2 hours home.


That's pretty skillful to be able to do that work yourself especially after that length of driving.

I just noticed that the bumper sticker on your jeep ironically probably belongs on the trailer!!



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Sorry to see that, but as everyone has said it happens occasionally.

You should be able to have new stainless steel hinges made at a local fabricator, I'd advise you go one gauge heavier than the original.

Have the tent repaired at a local awning shop, the scars will just make for good war stories.

Best of luck with the restoration


Sweet recovery, makes me want a winch every time I see a situation like this. The soft shelled tents never seem to fare well when contacting the ground. Mine didn't really hold up when my truck was rolled.


Great, I was just getting into the idea of building a trailer and this thread went and scared me! For as much money as you have in these trailers I'm thinking there needs to be a new way to design them for a bit more lower center of gravity or maybe even building in some kinda light weight roll cage setup. I do a lot of rock crawling and have seen plenty of rigs roll and know that sometimes it just happens but thats why we put roll cages in our trucks and there has got to be a way to adapt this for the trailers to minamize the damage and still keep it usable. Just a thought, I know it wouldnt be necessary for everyone but maybe for those who use them for the harder trails.


I am sorry about the sad news. Do you have any insurance on the trailer? I insured mine as a just in case something like this happens or if it got stolen or vandalized. Just wondering how the insurance has worked out. Glad you are physically ok. I think that I would be emotionally damaged for a long time.

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