Trailer carnage pics :(

Damn. Sorry to see that happen. However, it doesn't take you out of the game.

Get the tent fixed, get a hammer and straighten out some metal, seal in holes, and go for it.

Those are pretty tough little trailers.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Do you think a standard 2" trailer ball hitch would keep the trailer from flipping?

As mentioned previously, probably not. A 2" hitch on an offroad trailer is a very bad idea. You do not want to risk metal fatigue in the tongue especially. This can kill you at highway speed if it snaps. I lost someone very dear to me after one failed. To the guys who have flipped one on the road, consider yourselves living on borrowed time... you are very lucky to be alive.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
First off, very sorry to hear of the damage but glad no one was hurt and you were able to get everything back home. Always a positive in my book. Second, great job on the recovery. I can't wait to get my winch setup and it surely makes me think more about straps, pulleys and other things that would help in recovery.

As something mentioned before, a lot of these "tub" type trailers seem to have a much higher COG that seems to make them a little more tippy in off camber situations. I have been behind a AT Chaser that just about flopped. My wife and I were both like "Oh $h#t!!!" when we saw it bounce up and had the moment of balance waiting to see which way it went. Luckily it bounce back onto its wheels.

I think if the trailers were a little wider and lower, it would help to greatly improve the likelihood it would stay upright on a bad bounce. That is one reason we like our Kamparoo, most of the wieght is very low and being wide (almost square) seems to make it very stable behind us.

I also feel trying to get the tongue length right so the trailer tracks about the same path as the rig helps too, mainly because you don't run the risk of it clipping a turn off, placing it more inside where an off camber or ruts might be worse. I completely lucked out when redoing the tongue on the Kamparoo and with the longer wheelbase of the XJ (over a typical Wrangler) it tracks very close to the same, making it easier to get thru difficult areas.

Hoping you can get everything sorted out and back to the way it was. If nothing else, you have one heck of a story to share at the campfire. :D


Some of our older trailers with separate air bag and shock have this rebound effect, we sell an upgrade kit consisting of a limiting strap and bump stop that prevents this . Very good on and off road.

Trailers that are wider and lower to the ground unfortunately don't fit our terrain here in the USA, twisty narrow trails with obstacles. The main factor seems to be driver error with our trailers, people just forget they are towing them so when the third axle encounters the obstacle they are already accelerating away.



Have you heard anything from the insurance company yet? Just wondering how they treat the out of the country trailer.


Where exactly did this occur? Looks like you are in the Moenkopi formation which can be soft in spots and hard and washed out in other close adjacent areas. I live on Moenkopi so I know.

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