Does anyone know of a US source for custom sized trailer lids? I'm probably going to build my own but wouldn't mind saving myself some time and buying one if it fits and is good quality.
I wish! I made one myself out of plywood - give it a 7/10, but some spots delaminated and I'll have to make another one in the next year or so.
Does anyone know of a US source for custom sized trailer lids? I'm probably going to build my own but wouldn't mind saving myself some time and buying one if it fits and is good quality.
I built one =see my trailer info= M416 reconditioning to Army Specs.
Oh Line-X that's a good idea. ThanksI built my own out of 3/4 exterior ply and had the outside LineX'd. So far working out great.
I just couldn't justify what they were wanting to have one made.