Merci d'avoir lu
I don't get it why so many wast cash. trying to fake a real fiberglass skin when so easy to make your own. The hist in cost of crap-thon filon. hard to fix . heavy weak as me. When you have real fiberglass not chopper-gun crap .You will not be doing that at home.
It is the woven glass that makes it so strong You have a string that runs the whole length of panel. If you plan to use epoxy there no hope for you . most that post you have to use epoxy are pis that that they wasted all that cash .
#1 find anything flat . Wife's dining table is the best day before Thanksgiving. Wax a lot. If you have gel-coat that nice . But if not no big deal . paint out gel-coat let it tack. add first layer of mat .With dollar store roller wet out mat . When not white good to be. then a layer of woven wet to clear point at last layer of mat . a bit less MEKP harder. THEN TAKE THE RIGHT F### foam pull off all the paper .rough up the RIGHT FOAM and add a lot of HOLES AT AN ANGLE Helps locks the RIGHT FOAM from up and down movement and side ways . After it cures lay top layers ( that will be in side no sanding on the out side . on first layer of mat make it sloppy with resin so it will run down RIGHT FOAM and bridge the RIGHT FOAM ,
If you did not use gel-coat will need to run a skim coat of body filler.
![Picture 469.jpg Picture 469.jpg](