Train Tunnel Hike on The Rim [Daytrip]

Number 7

While we were camping on the rim this weekend we did a hike to an abandoned Train Tunnel. Here's the trip report and pictures:

It was a great day weather-wise for an adventure! d

Number 7

Hey, sorry I didn't answer - I forgot I put this link over here. Yes, the link to the trip report is hidden in the 1st photo. d


At least a copy and paste of the post on your site would be nice:

Train Tunnel Hike

While we were camping on the rim over the weekend some of us took a short hike to the abandoned Train Tunnel. Railroad Tunnel Info:

"Colonel Eddy proposed to build the railroad from Flagstaff to Globe to service the copper mines. The first stage of construction was to excavate a 3,100-foot tunnel through the Mogollon Rim, the greatest obstacle of the railroad.

The Atlantic and Pacific RR was still at Winslow, attempting to cross the Canyon Diablo. Through Colonel Eddy’s persistence, the A & P agreed to buy $2400 of Arizona Mineral Belt stock and $30,000 in bonds. With money in hand, Colonel Eddy began digging the tunnel before laying any track from Flagstaff to that point. He paid the workers $4 a day (in railroad stock). After 70 feet of tunnel, Colonel Eddy ran out of money, and the Arizona Mineral Belt Railroad was never finished."

The Arizona Trail is located near mile 12 as you travel easterly on the Rim Road, across from The Monument of the Battle of Big Dry Wash and General Crook Cabin. From that point on The Rim Road, take the Arizona Trail southward about a half mile to the Train Tunnel Trailhead.


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