Training events: Post up your walks & runs!


There must be other runners here so shout out your latest event for distance walks and runs. These sorts of events help to keep me ready for getting around the mountains on foot.

This morning I had a rainy finish to a 10 mile race. Here I am with my running buddies trying to dry off with a tight huddle :sombrero:

My time was 96 minutes so maybe I can knock it down to 90 next time :ylsmoke:


Shout out, bud!! Keep running! I am heading out for an easy 6+ with the dog in just a few minutes... Gotta get some miles in so I can keep up with my GF for Moab Red Hot 55k!! It's futile, but I gotta try... :)


Just ran 15 miles this morning and posted a time of 2:42! My wife completed 13 miles in the same ammount of time. My 17 month old chilled in the stroller and pointed out all the birds! I will began my training regiment soon for the Florida Ironman next November.


Just ran 15 miles this morning and posted a time of 2:42! My wife completed 13 miles in the same ammount of time. My 17 month old chilled in the stroller and pointed out all the birds! I will began my training regiment soon for the Florida Ironman next November.

Excellent! Post up on the training for swimming and biking too!


Just ran 15 miles this morning and posted a time of 2:42! My wife completed 13 miles in the same ammount of time. My 17 month old chilled in the stroller and pointed out all the birds! I will began my training regiment soon for the Florida Ironman next November.

Just did the FL Ironman this past Nov. What an amazing time! It was my first IM and couldn't believe all of the people. Overall time of 11:36, of course, I'm looking to get faster. I didn't register for next year so probably won't do FL again until 2013. Have fun, good luck and stay safe!


One of my reasons for starting this thread is that many of us get stuck indoors to earn some money and then we periodically escape on our off-road adventures. The problem is that months of inactivity and lousy diet can make us less than fit for a backcountry misadventure. My question to myself has always been about hiking out if the situation demands it. Lots of folks pack bug-out-bags (BOBs) but how far can you actually hike with it? Likewise, what if you have to hunker down and wait for rescue? How long can you survive in place?

So I was thinking that whenever a group gets together, especially large groups like TacoDoc's events, that they sponsor an "Overlander's Triathalon". What I envision is some challenges that do not give an advantage to the physically strong but can still include bench pressing a High Lift jack, a distance sprint to a Fridge Freezer full of cold beers, tire changes and so on. :) Some kind of points system could be worked out to include starting a fire with wet materials, knife sharpening, re-packing a vehicle in the shortest time, duct taping a drunk person into a sleeping bag and: "add your idea here".

Maybe group them into three "events" to match the triathalon theme? Knowledge Based, Skills Based, Physical Ability Based with points that can even the playing field. The whole idea is not to compete with each other but to motivate us to be better prepared mentally and physically.

:Mechanic: - :REOutArchery02: - :REExeSquatsHL1: - :REOutCampFire03: - :rappel:

I don't think that we need anything too rigid, just loosely based on Knowledge, Skills and Physical challenges. Brew up your own local flavor of the O-T including your very own one-person events and post up pictures and achievements here.


Sounds like you would enjoy a fun mud run, beer is plentiful and it is definitely a good time! A good O-T would be getting your truck buried in sand, digging it out, drink a beer, bench press the high lift 20 times, drink a beer and build up the courage to winch your truck out with the high lift!

Haha I love this thread! As I for me I cross fitted today. Kettle bell exercises with sit ups for 3 min, 4 1/4 mile sprints and then some more sit ups with a medicine ball toss at the top of each sit up!

Maybe you could do one with a flat tire change.... I think it would be a challenge to bench the flat tire and rim!


New member
A little trick I do to keep the weight off is to schedule a race once a month. Anything from 5k to Marathon. It keeps me motivated...I have a mostly desk job.


Cool thread though maybe in the wrong section?

Where else? Suggestions?

Wow lot's of commited runners here! 55K, triathalons, 15miles.... Awesome!

I've generally trained for short and fast (5K) but I ran a 10 mile Tough Mudder last year with little training for that distance and did suprisingly well. Makes me think I should be training differently.
I ran this morning but the winter chill has set in (it's been a warm December 'till now) and after just 30 minutes my hands were numb and I had the frothy spit frozen to my chin. My mind quit before my body did.

There is a running club in the area that does a 5k race every couple weeks; I'm going to talk to them about cold weather gear 'cause I hate running treadmills.

Yep. The brain is the biggest limitation to success.

During the last two weeks I've run 3 miles a bunch of times, one 6 miler and been on four hilly 10 mile mountain bike rides. Just trying not to gain any weight while on vacation. :sombrero: But I do hope to be going backpacking and hiking in early 2012 so this is all good prep work. I generally dislike paying to run in an organized event except for one 10 miler a year.

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