Everyone, please have a little patience. It takes time to process a group buy of this size. Here is how it goes.
Group buy ends on 3/13 - I send Dave the spread sheet of orders. He processes all 97 in his system and sends me back a verified total on Monday 3/16. I cut him a check on Tuesday 3/17 and send priority mail, which he received Thursday 3/19.
Dave sent all bags to the screen printer for on Friday 3/20. Screen printed bags will take about a week to finish.
The remaining NON Logo bags will begin shipping this week!
Group buys are not about receiving the product super fast, you are receiving a generous discount from the vendor and a custom product. Coordinating something like this takes a little more time than just ordering one bag straight from Trasharoo.
Don't worry, you will receive your Trasharoo soon. If we didn't come through before, we wouldn't be on Round 4! Thanks for everyone patience!