Traumahawk 99 E350 class 2 Ambo build!


first trip in the van. flat light and cloudy but it was 65degrees! dog liked it but thinks he can fit on the bed with us!


spent 3 days after work last week peeling the decals off the ambo. hard work! my fore arms were burning!

second weekend in a row of camping. this time with the bike club. camped at a county park on the Wapsi river by lil town of Calamus iowa. Sherman park. nice place with showers and some 8 powered sites . didn't really want power but it was with everyone else . so I hooked up and cranked the little electric heater that is built in . got it to 90degrees! with it 55ish outside!
went kayaking on sunday . river was almost to action stage so we didn't have to paddle to much.
didn't get any pictures of that.!8m2!3d41.7744389!4d-90.7820443


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finally got Saturday time to fix rattle snake tensioner noise and leaky oil cooler seals belt 1.jpg
belt 2.jpgvan hoist 1.jpgvan hoist 2.jpg having a hoist to work on make life sooo much easier!. I wanted to use the 15000lbs hoist on the right but some ******** in my shop pushed that broke ass duramax in the shop on Friday!. not cause my van is heavy or anything but the drive on hoist gets in the way and two post is always easier! oil cooler 1.jpgoil cooler 2.jpgoil cooler 3.jpg oil cooler wasn't leaking that bad now that it is warm out. but when it was cold it leak 2 inch puddle over night


fourth and fifth night camping in Van! Argyle Lake state park. rained to much to ride but was fun trip. tried out shanty town tarp set up. IMG_20180525_165756350.jpgIMG_20180526_152022579.jpg took the van down some class b farm road heading to spring lake to check out mountain bike trails IMG_20180526_091848358.jpgIMG_20180525_191346331.jpg


finally got the big ugly switch board off the dog house. got this score from local scrap yard for 20$!!IMG_20180314_123038749.jpgIMG_20180530_132511304.jpg had to thin out this ugly mess!. why was that ever a good idea to mount all that wires for the rear module under the seat! and bolt it all over the seat frame!IMG_20180530_173656996.jpgIMG_20180530_181910067.jpg gonna be nice! 8 days and this beast is going to Colorado! Yeti BME Crested Butte !
well see what kinda fire road this think will lumber down!


well she made it 2600 miles to Crested Butte and back even a strait 16 hour haul through the night home from CB to Illinois! IMG_20180616_143126555_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg cousin playing PlayStation! being able to lay down while driving down the road is sweet !
IMG_20180616_204316111.jpg camping first night on some forest service land by Fairplay CO IMG_20180617_071614127.jpg
IMG_20180617_103554860.jpg second night. BLM campground south of salida! nice spot expensive tho.
IMG_20180619_072136176.jpgIMG_20180619_072510446.jpgIMG_20180619_080815877.jpg did the Monarch crest trail to Greens creek!
turns out the van doesn't like starting much after sitting above 11,000 feet for couple hours. took couple minutes but she finally fired up!
IMG_20180619_090311714.jpgIMG_20180619_094109367.jpg more to come!


Expedition goofball
Nice progress, and use so far. Keep the good times rolling and pics too!

If she has a hardtime starting, the GPR might be going...


only at 11500 after 4 hour soak.... started fine when we camped in CB at 9000 and above even when there was frost!


made it to CB just fine stayed at Oh Be Joyfull campground. really nice place for 10$ stayed there last couple years.
did the Lupine trail backwards... poor decision IMG_20180620_142914175.jpgIMG_20180620_151006975.jpg

checked out the race village! free beer!IMG_20180622_154945857.jpgIMG_20180622_154948111.jpg
race maps.... looks like long days!7425.jpeg7424.jpeg
next day practice stage one! hike up 3 miles. ride down 3 miles!!IMG_20180622_133702495.jpgIMG_20180622_133707359.jpg
ive ridden stage 2 last two years so opted not to practice stage 2!

more to come


wandering around Friday after practicing heard loud ruckus going on in town went up to find this show! it was bike week in Crested Butte... this is the chainless race! they haul your bike or Franken bike of choice, up Kebler pass and you coast back down to town! something like 5 miles. it was something to see liken cross between Halloween/burning man/and tour de France. costumes lots of drinking while riding. Dj playing all the right songs for the riders or groups of riders. it was Very entertaining to watch!

Saturday morning
IMG_20180623_064932352.jpgIMG_20180623_080509983.jpg 6 miles of very steep fire road got us to stage 1
IMG_20180623_103433170.jpgIMG_20180623_104024620.jpg made it down stage no crashes. could have done better line choices but owell
3-4 miles up steep fire road to stage 2
IMG_20180623_131509752.jpgIMG_20180623_131545378.jpg stage 2 was long ! almost couldn't stand on my pedals by the bottom.
finished the day 21.5 miles 4500 feet of climbing 5:47 minutes on or pushing bike!
less pictures of day 2 it was longer transfer was steep single track with super steep drop on left side!


finished day 2 not very many pictures . was long day
24.4 miles 4947ft climbing 6.5 hours on or pushing bike!
get back to the van . we were planning to drive somewhere east of Denver and get hotel for night.
well after sitting all day taking pictures of the racers and waiting for me cousin and BF decided it would be a good idea to drive through the night instead! I was beat and didn't want to argue to much even though I was super dirty dusty and hadn't had a shower in 5 days... the rest the trip was a bumpy ride through the night in the back of a ambulance!
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