Traveling Light - Putting the tools on a diet


New member
Hello EXPO,

Since I had a vehicle as a young lad, I've always had a trunk full of "Just in case" items, I really like the rather have it and not need it mindset. Now a days, it includes a full tool bag, a wiring kit, tire repair kit, trauma kit, and a first aid kit. Now, my day to day its not really an issue with all this in my drawers, but the girlfriend and I are taking an extended trip this summer up to AK then back down to the south west. Space, and weight will be at a premium and Id like to pair down what tools I'll bring, reducing my tool bag to a roll-sized kit.

My question for EXPO is this, besides the obvious multi use tools What tools/sizes do I absolutely need to bring? I've done a little work on the car, so I get the basic metric sizes but I get the hunch there's some specific required tools I don't yet know about. Id like to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

Bonus round: any extra parts I should pack as well? I just replaced the starter (have spare contacts though), and I already picked up a spare CV. So, anything else?

Thanks for your time guys.

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