Remove rear seats and profit. I have o idea how you guys with wives and kids do it.
The FJ is a single man's ride.
The wife and I do just fine in our FJ, I guess we don't know any better. :elkgrin: The FJ would not be my first choice if I had kids but certainly is possible with a trailer to carry camping gear.
I removed my rear seats almost 4 years ago and can carry most everything I need inside the FJ. Just had a custom made hitch hauler built by a friend that I use to carry a portable camp fire, 20lb propane tank and 10 gals of gas. Its maiden voyage was last week on the Kokopelli Trail (including the Dome Plateau and Top of the World) and the only spot that I needed to remove it was about a 200' section on Rose Garden Hill. It did rub in a couple other spots but I expected I was going to need to remove it more than I did.