My new to me 2013 Adrenaline camper has this TREG receiver piston deal that moves in/out during braking. My assumption is that it has the optional surge braking capability. If you don't want the surge braking, you can lock out the piston by a simple flip of the lockout lever (in circle). Is this a true assumption? The pic below is from a youtube vid and mine is identical. On the other side, there are two grease fittings screwed into the holes where, I'm guessing, would be fittings for the brake fluid to go in/out as you apply the vehicle brakes.
Currently, I have it locked out because the piston does tend to slam on harder braking on the street. This trailer is equipped with electric brakes as well and connected to my vehicle's 7pin plug.
Thanks for any insight.
Currently, I have it locked out because the piston does tend to slam on harder braking on the street. This trailer is equipped with electric brakes as well and connected to my vehicle's 7pin plug.
Thanks for any insight.