Tricky Tachometer


New member
Having some issues with my tach in the Monte. To start with we're talking about a '98 Gen 2.5, the tach will work sometimes and other times not. It doesn't correspond with the actual RPM's, it will either work or not. I've searched and there isn't anyone really having a problem with these, so either it stops and no one cares to fix them, or it's not all that common. I'm proud of the Monte, I bought it from the original owner and even though it just tipped the 200k mile mark, it's been very well maintained and it's a kick in the pants to drive, so I'd like to fix it. So, here's my question, is this an electronic type tach (which I assume from the on again/off again working)? Is this likely a sensor on the transmission or behind the gauge cluster?


I re soldered all the joints on the PCB behind the rev counter,and it did the trick,some had gone a bit dry.I also made sure the wires on the coil weren't rubbing each other any more.

I used end up driving down the road smacking the top of the dash trying to get the rev counter to work,as it used to work intermittently


New member
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not likely to replace the gauge with something aftermarket, as it would probably bother me more than the non-functioning tach. I like the stock look that I have going, so I may start by pulling the cluster and checking the connections. Good time for the LED upgrade too.

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