Tried to Kill My Montero on the Snake Lake Trail at Gold Lake - Beautiful Place


Amateur Philosopher
I finally got to put my Gen 2.5 to a real test. I have gone to the last couple of meeting of a local 4x4 club (Diablo Four Wheelers) and attended a mini run with a few of them this past weekend to Gold Lake in the Northern California Sierras. It's a 4x4-only campground that serves as a great base camp for a bunch of connecting trails, including one rated "difficult" named Snake Lake. Being my first really challenging trail I was both intimidated and stoked at the same time.

We arrived on Friday afternoon and were set to meet the members of the club. I had sent them a photo of my rig, so they were really finding me more than I was finding them. As luck would have it, the run leader, Jurgen, pulled in right behind us as we finished the trail into camp. We found a spot and set up. Originally there were supposed to be about 12 or so rigs showing up, but it ended up being four. All of the members were extremely nice, knowledgable and helpful.

The sites are all right on the lake and just what you'd want from a forest campsite. The lake is brimming with life; the Canadian geese constantly make the rounds from site to site, we saw a mother duck with 25 ducklings in tow and the edge of the water is teaming with small fish and large crawdads.

There are tons of easy trails branching out in every direction, but it was Snake Lake Trail that was the challenge. I didn't really know what to expect and just followed the group. Jurgen didn't tell me until until after we had completed Snake Lake in both directions that it was a "difficult" rated trail. I still would have tried it, but I may have been a little more freaked out. There was one extremely difficult part that challenged all of the rigs that I got stuck on both ways. One other spot (there are shots of me coming down it) was almost doable, but I ended up being winched up it. After I upgrade with a suspension lift and 33s, I should make it. It was great to watch the amazement of the other wheelers as the Montero performed. They were all very surprised at how well it did. So was I.

Thankfully I completed and installed my rock sliders before the trip or my rockers would have been toast. They did their job beautifully, as did my homebuilt bumpers, each catching a tree and numerous rocks. I dented the transfer case skid plate pretty good, the muffler, and also the gas tank. All to be expected. Now I know where I need to build or beef up protection. The one obstacle that I got stuck on twice took it's toll on the reverse route when the Montero tipped hard crushing the passenger rear quarter and taillight. Looks like I'll be cutting the rear quarters even shorter and building some thick steel shielding for them as well.

All in all it was one of the best outings of my life and I was extremely pleased with how my Monty performed. Time for more protection, a suspension lift and 33s!

LOTS of photos, hope you enjoy them.

The very start of the two-mile trail in to camp.

Stopped to air down.



Heading out of camp on Saturday morning and right to Snake Lake Trail.

Stopping along one of the easy parts of Snake Lake Trail.

My wife and daughter overlooking Snake Lake.


Coming down the first real obstacle of Snake Lake Trail.






Tom in his monster K5 Blazer. Where we tried to barely snake through obstacles he often had to go over them.

The first overheating of the weekend. After the third one I ended up hardwiring the electric fan to the battery. It wasn't coming on. I've never had to pay attention to it before, so I don't know if it has ever worked. Wiring it constant on did the trick.
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Amateur Philosopher
We passed what seemed like about 15 lakes. This one might be Deer Lake.

Pam and Charlie's Four Runner is pretty ************.

Stopping at another lake on the way to the Sierra Buttes Lookout.



My daughter, Regan, having fun climbing around.



Just a little dirty.



Another quick stop.


Stopped at the base of the walk-up trail to the Sierra Buttes Lookout. It's quite a hike. Probably about a mile up a fairly steep rocky grade, then a climb of 400 or so very steep stairs. Getting to the to the top was definitely worth the effort though when you see the 360-degree seemingly endless view.



Artsy fartsy.
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Amateur Philosopher
Still not to the top yet.

Almost to the stairs.



The second of four or five flights of stairs to the sky.

The view from the top.










Amateur Philosopher
One of several survey markers at the top. Learned some cool facts about them from Charlie, who is a retired surveyer.

Back at camp waiting for the crawdad invasion.


View from our campsite.

Sunday morning we did Snake Lake Trail in the reverse direction. You can't see the precipice I'm poking the nose over in this shot. This is the spot that ate my rear quarter and taillight, just after this photo.

After doing Snake Lake we opted for a very easy afternoon visit to Frazier Falls.




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Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
The first overheating of the weekend. After the third one I ended up hardwiring the electric fan to the battery. It wasn't coming on. I've never had to pay attention to it before, so I don't know if it has ever worked. Wiring it constant on did the trick.

Nice Pics, I think Snake Lake is being discussed as part of the Sierra Nevada Challenge for one of the off days from Rubicon or Fordyce.
For everyone's information the stock A/C fan does not turn on when you're overheating, you need to wire it to do this task OR pull the AC clutch fuse and turn your AC to the ON position to run the fan in an emergency. I'm running a Painless wiring thermal switch to do the job, it rocks (plus I have a custom all aluminum radiator).


Amateur Philosopher
I plan to put in a switch on the dash so I can control it manually.

Nice Pics, I think Snake Lake is being discussed as part of the Sierra Nevada Challenge for one of the off days from Rubicon or Fordyce.
For everyone's information the stock A/C fan does not turn on when you're overheating, you need to wire it to do this task OR pull the AC clutch fuse and turn your AC to the ON position to run the fan in an emergency. I'm running a Painless wiring thermal switch to do the job, it rocks (plus I have a custom all aluminum radiator).


So awesome! I'm hopefully picking up my gen 2 Montero this weekend and might have to hit that trail. Were you guys able to go swimming?


Expedition Leader
Oh man, sorry to see the body damage, the downside to the 2.5 is the wider body and it creates a love/hate relationship. One of the debates I had before deciding on my 98 was the wider body. I can see part of how you caught that rear panel, instead of getting a bit tipsy staying left you hugged the rocks on the right because it looked less off camber, most people would do the same, it's just hard to swallow when you feel that crunch after you started with such a clean rig.


Looks like you're in a similar situation to me. Out a couple of weekends ago and I bashed my transfer case cover in to the point that it was touching the transfer case. Although, I'm not sure if it was this time, or something from last time.

I picked up a new plate from the parts pick place for under 10 bucks. You should also be able to find a rear light pretty easily too. For the cost of the part (estimated $10) & admittance to the yard ($2) & shipping (from SoCal) I can stop by and pull a tail light for you from a 95LS or a 94SR.

I've also turned some heads as well in the Montero in terms of what it can accomplish out of the gate. Most of the guys I've been on trips with (except for the LR3 guy) have had to dump some $$ into their rigs to get them to a point where I can do it off the show room floor (with 31s and no running boards)

What size are your wheels now? They look pretty large


My tires now are 30s. I plan to straighten my skid plates and reinforce them.

be sure to post up what mods you do. I was thinking of a couple of things that would help quite a bit, but don't have the tools necessary to strengthen.

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