As announced previously, it's time to start our first Trip of the Month contest!!
Since this is the first edition, any trip done this summer does not have to be in August!
Please look at the original posting and let me know if you have question.
I am looking forward to see posting of all kind of trip, short, long, easy or difficult, local or international - this is just a very amical thread to encourage people to write and post about their trip reports - we all love to read about them and see pictures!
Forum members will have the chance to vote at the end of the month for their favorite story.
Let's give it a try - please submit your trip (or your friend's) in this thread!
Here are the overall rules. These are not set in stone and will be modified if required.
-Description: Post a brief description of the journey and the participants.
-Pictures: Post a few pictures of the crew/vehicles/destinations.
-Duration: Trip can be completed or still in progress, but a portion of the trip must happen during the current month.
If the trip does not win and is still in progress the following month, it can be resubmitted. Trip can be of any length.
-Destination: Any destination will do, but obviously, the more interesting or unique the adventure, the better your chances.
-Mission: Having a purpose to the trip (humanitarian, environment, etc.) will increase your odds.
-Vehicle: Actual vehicle used is unimportant. It can be a bicycle, motorcycle, 2CV, Fiat Panda, anything is good.
-Coolness. You may also be able to score some points by driving, let's say, a Ford Limousine from England to Bamako for a charity rally. Funny is good too.
-Submission. Anyone can submit a trip from anyone else as long as you have the driver's permission - even if you don't know him. It does not have to be your own trip.
Just contact the crew and let them know, I am sure they will be thrilled! Every time you surf the web and see a cool trip, go ahead and share it!
One person can submit as many trips as he/she wants, there is no limit.
To submit a trip, just post a link, description and a picture in the monthly thread. That is, I will create a sticky thread every month and we'll just post the trip there.
The winner will be chosen by the members of this forum.
-Featured on the front page of Expedition Portal for the whole following month. (which in turn can drive a lot of traffic to your personal site)
-2 Free Expedition Portal stickers
-One free copy of Overland Journal
-Overland Journal cap or other accessories, depending of the availaibilty
-Fame amongst your follow members and your family
-Increases your vehicle value by 34%
-and more!
The contest will start August 1st.
We will collect submissions throughout the month.
A poll will then be created and members will have 5 days to vote.
Thanks in advance for your participation!!!
Since this is the first edition, any trip done this summer does not have to be in August!
Please look at the original posting and let me know if you have question.
I am looking forward to see posting of all kind of trip, short, long, easy or difficult, local or international - this is just a very amical thread to encourage people to write and post about their trip reports - we all love to read about them and see pictures!
Forum members will have the chance to vote at the end of the month for their favorite story.
Let's give it a try - please submit your trip (or your friend's) in this thread!
Here are the overall rules. These are not set in stone and will be modified if required.
-Description: Post a brief description of the journey and the participants.
-Pictures: Post a few pictures of the crew/vehicles/destinations.
-Duration: Trip can be completed or still in progress, but a portion of the trip must happen during the current month.
If the trip does not win and is still in progress the following month, it can be resubmitted. Trip can be of any length.
-Destination: Any destination will do, but obviously, the more interesting or unique the adventure, the better your chances.
-Mission: Having a purpose to the trip (humanitarian, environment, etc.) will increase your odds.
-Vehicle: Actual vehicle used is unimportant. It can be a bicycle, motorcycle, 2CV, Fiat Panda, anything is good.
-Coolness. You may also be able to score some points by driving, let's say, a Ford Limousine from England to Bamako for a charity rally. Funny is good too.
-Submission. Anyone can submit a trip from anyone else as long as you have the driver's permission - even if you don't know him. It does not have to be your own trip.
Just contact the crew and let them know, I am sure they will be thrilled! Every time you surf the web and see a cool trip, go ahead and share it!
One person can submit as many trips as he/she wants, there is no limit.
To submit a trip, just post a link, description and a picture in the monthly thread. That is, I will create a sticky thread every month and we'll just post the trip there.
The winner will be chosen by the members of this forum.
-Featured on the front page of Expedition Portal for the whole following month. (which in turn can drive a lot of traffic to your personal site)
-2 Free Expedition Portal stickers
-One free copy of Overland Journal
-Overland Journal cap or other accessories, depending of the availaibilty
-Fame amongst your follow members and your family
-Increases your vehicle value by 34%
-and more!
The contest will start August 1st.
We will collect submissions throughout the month.
A poll will then be created and members will have 5 days to vote.
Thanks in advance for your participation!!!

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