Trip to get my Flippac - Az, Ut and Co *Pic Heavy*


thanks for the writeup and great pics, even for a short trip you really seemed to enjoy the new setup. I bet the lady likes it also :)

Thanks man and yea she really does haha

I noticed in one of the photos that the center brake light reflects off of the canopy. Is it shining back into the cab, and have you found that distracting?

Nope I haven't noticied it once now that you mention it so I guess that's good.


Did you happen to be exiting Lake Mead NRA last Friday morning around 9am? I saw a white Tacoma with a Flippac and figured it was you...


I hope the Hippies of Sedona enjoyed your rear bumper decal, makes me laugh every time I see it.

Yea it's pretty polarizing - it's actually got nothing to do with anything political but people get really bent out of shape about it, I had a guy on here PM me when I was looking for a fridge cover and said this "I was going to offer mine until I looked at your posts and saw that bumper sticker you are so proud of. If I run into you in the backcountry or elsewhere, and you look like you might need some help, I'll be sure to keep my mouth shut."



It's interesting what people get upset about. Yeah, I smoked a bit, I didn't like it, I protested about things, was I a Hippie? Redneck Hippie? Really if the guy was that offended? I have better things to worry about than a bumper sticker. Some people wouldn't like the stickers I've had over the years and they wouldn't like what the big sticker in my spare tire cover means. Ok, the Pink Floyd sticker was one of my favorites on my MB.
Carry on.


Trying to escape the city
Awesome pictures! Yeah, you definitely know how to turn a parts run into a great trip. lol


Excellent photos! Flippac was the goal if I was going to keep my Tundra. Definitely love the useable space.

Excited for more trip reports!

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