Here are some pics of my friends SASd - diesel trooper (and my montero)
The wheel got wedged between the rocks, but because his rear axle was locked at the time it kept turning and peeled apart.Holy crap, outofrshell! That's a heck of a wheel failure. Any residual damage?
Man thats a sweet trooper! I used to have the same year in silver. I also had an 86 in maroon both 2 door. Loved em!
Man thats a sweet trooper! I used to have the same year in silver. I also had an 86 in maroon both 2 door. Loved em!
Man thats awesome! Its only has 65k on it! Nice!!! I spent many years abusing my troopers on trails, camping and road trips, most favorite suv ive ever owned.Thank you! it`s an 87 with the 86 grille. Currently 65k miles and counting.
touche!!I'll see your red 2door and raise you a white 4door.
:smiley_drive: Bart