No offense taken on the battery welding question at all. Your point is fair and may well have led to my battery dying early. (Until your post, I hadn't even thought about that. duh.) I'd also like to know the details on stick welding and batteries - how bad is the battery damage, for example, does using 3 batteries reduce it, etc.
How did you plan to add that second rear door seal? I'd like to see pictures. Yes, I sealed off those rear side vents during initial build-up - I'll try to get a photo. What's the theory behind closing the space between bumper and body? I assume it is just a total dust storm back there no matter what you do. After a dusty drive, before I even open the back doors, I brush off the entire backside.
I'd have to look through my receipts to sort out the springs - the name disappeared long ago.
How did you plan to add that second rear door seal? I'd like to see pictures. Yes, I sealed off those rear side vents during initial build-up - I'll try to get a photo. What's the theory behind closing the space between bumper and body? I assume it is just a total dust storm back there no matter what you do. After a dusty drive, before I even open the back doors, I brush off the entire backside.
I'd have to look through my receipts to sort out the springs - the name disappeared long ago.