Troy PAR


Well-known member
Anyone have personal experience with the Troy PAR?
Reason I ask is I am considering one as an all around rifle.
I live in Canada, where rifles that meet non-restricted criteria can arbitrarily be reclassified as restricted or prohibited. I've shot an AR exactly twice in my life, and was weirded out by the buffer tube and the fact I could feel the action cycling in the stock. That being said, the adaptability of that rifle along with the ergonomics are great.
I run a VZ58 as my main tactical rifle, and am a fan of the readily available and affordable 7.62x39 cartridge. That being said, the way Canada is going, it is only a matter of time until semi autos are banned. I am looking for an all around rifle that can stand in for a semi auto, but can also hunt game and varmint if necessary. I really don't want to use exotic or uncommon cartridges, as I currently don't reload or have time to. Id consider a .308/7.62x51 rifle, like the PAR is offered in (and like detachable box mags), and have also been considering 30-30, and .357 lever guns, not that either are cheap to shoot. But hot damn are cowboy guns awesome.
I have rifles in .22LR, 7.62x39, and .308/7.62x51 already, so not having to pick up another cartridge type would be great.


I've peeked at them , but I'm really thinking about a BCL 102 . For NR .223 I went with a keltek SU16. But I have a tacti-cooled SKS with WarTak rail on it, which operates as my NR Post Apocalypse Zombies have risen,TEOTWAWKI,WROL [etc etc], or all around its not a good day FA. I did a fair share of my life in uniform, and only rarely did I need full auto as a defensive force . The SKS is more than capable of doing its job .


I had to google what a "Troy PAR" was. Here's one hit:

I'm afraid it looks too much like an AR, and everyone knows ARs are bad. And these are black, so that is bad too. So these will have to be banned. (you know I'm being sarcastic right?)

My opinion; if you want to stay one step ahead of the gun ban folks, get either a bolt action, or a lever action rifle (lever action rifles don't scare folks like AR-style rifles). My next rifle will be a scout-type bolt action rifle in a 308. I already have lever action rifles in 22LR, 44Mag, and 45-70.


If you want a pump action rifle, just get a Remington... they have made one for years and it works, plus it doesn’t look like a wannabe ar15.


My vote is for a lever action .308. You can learn to operate it quickly and it does not look evil. It's a cartridge you already have.


Marlin, Mossberg, Browning, make .308s . You could try a used rifle Savage .300 is a comparable cal all good levers


Active member
I had a bunch of SKSs when I was younger. New Chinese made ones were $99 each then so why not?

Well, you get what you pay for.

I inherited my grandfathers 1958 Winchester 92 in 30-30, and THAT is a rifle. I will never part with that.

Most recently I had Raven Rifles build me a USMC M40A-1 scout sniper rifle. It's bolt action, five round internal magazine and pure goodness. It IS black (metal) but the stock is woodland camo. Maybe they'll ban it for being camo... But it's "only" a Remington 700 as far as the receiver is concerned.

I guess my point is I eventually realized semi-auto in a rifle is rather pointless. Place each shot with great care. Pistols are another story but a well-made bolt gun will serve you well.


Regular Dude
If you want a pump action rifle, just get a Remington... they have made one for years and it works, plus it doesn’t look like a wannabe ar15.

The Remington 7600 is basically a pump action .30-06 based on the 870 platform that fires from a box magazine. Great rifle.


The Remington 7600 is basically a pump action .30-06 based on the 870 platform that fires from a box magazine. Great rifle.
Yes your right! I have one in .270 Winchester with a Leopold vx hog scope... that’s my hog gun. I’m in love with this pump rifle, I get looks with a pump action rifle.


Well-known member
I had a bunch of SKSs when I was younger. New Chinese made ones were $99 each then so why not?

Well, you get what you pay for.

I inherited my grandfathers 1958 Winchester 92 in 30-30, and THAT is a rifle. I will never part with that.

Most recently I had Raven Rifles build me a USMC M40A-1 scout sniper rifle. It's bolt action, five round internal magazine and pure goodness. It IS black (metal) but the stock is woodland camo. Maybe they'll ban it for being camo... But it's "only" a Remington 700 as far as the receiver is concerned.

I guess my point is I eventually realized semi-auto in a rifle is rather pointless. Place each shot with great care. Pistols are another story but a well-made bolt gun will serve you well.

No need for an SKS when I have a VZ58. But agreed, you can still get a nice SKS for $200 these days, a touch less. SKS is a good bush/truck gun, but not really what I would consider an all around gun. Not accurate enough, but for $200 you can't complain lol.

Lever, pump, or bolt are all fine. For some reason the Troy PAR which is pump and takes detachable magazines just strikes me as a great modern sporter rifle. I have a Savage 11/111 Trophy as my generic hunting rifle, the VZ58 as a semi auto "tactical"
I have looked at a few lever guns. Lever guns just speak to me, but obviously we have come a long way in cartridge design since then. Going to have to check out the Remington 7600 now. Had an 870 back in the day, and still have a china 870 knock off. Was a simple system.


Yes YMMV , while I starting shooting again after I got out of the CF. I tried to start using a shotgun, I never developed a knack for one. Tried a few a 500 Mozzie 870 Rem 1100 something or other that I sold to a friend and a Turkish manufacture semi auto.

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