Truck of the Month??


Hey everyone, I was wondering if you would like to start a truck of the month poll for each month? Just thought I'd throw it out there and see lol

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
I vote for the new jeep! That truck is beautiful! Probably won't see it on the dealer lots.


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Viking with a Hammer
I vote for the new jeep! That truck is beautiful! Probably won't see it on the dealer lots.


Just last week I had a dream that I had a Jeep allmost exactly like that one! But it had a flat bed with a winch on the back. I used it to hi-jack the FBI's cars as they were transporting them in a moving Amtrac train in Arizona. Vin Diesel was there to, I was dating his sister or something.

Chrysler's hacked into my brain! Oh dear, this is why the State won't let me wear tin foil on my head anymore! The V6 in the JK is not my fault, not my fault I swear!


Wow this thread went entirely in a differnet direction from what I expected lol. I was planning just simple " yes that's a good idea" or "no I don't think we need that" lol instead I get a Jeep, Vin Diesel, and tin foil hats. Awesome!!!! lol
Originally the idea was for members to nominate another member's truck, suv, or car, have a poll and see where it goes from there lol


I like most of the vehicles I see here. I'm not sure I need to pick a favorite. They do that over on the Jeep forums, and I never really got in to it...

But I mostly lurk on the web. I am just looking for good ideas I can use to make my own vehicles better. :coffee:


I think it is a pretty good idea. Maybe it could even show up on the expedition portal home page as a little article about the members ride of the month. Would probably have to make it open to all the categories of vehicles on here in order for it to be a more widely accepted idea. If it was just domestic full size then the likelihood of it happening is less I believe.


That sounds like a great idea. The only exception would be possibly dividing the vehicles either by class, such as SUV, truck, car, motorcycle, etc, or also by year say 50's-60's, 70's-80's, etc. Main reason being you can not really compare a 1965 Land Rover Defender to a 2010 Dodge 2500. Any other opinions or replys are greatly appreciated!!! :elkgrin:


Well, now that you mention it.... this must be the only board that DOES'NT have a vehicle of the month. So, it must be a good idea!


Viking with a Hammer
That sounds like a great idea. The only exception would be possibly dividing the vehicles either by class, such as SUV, truck, car, motorcycle, etc, or also by year say 50's-60's, 70's-80's, etc. Main reason being you can not really compare a 1965 Land Rover Defender to a 2010 Dodge 2500. Any other opinions or replys are greatly appreciated!!! :elkgrin:

The forums are allready divided into classes. So problem solved.

Noones going to vote for a F350 in the Jeep forum. LOL. Vin Diesel approves.
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Mr. Flipper that is a wonderful idea I like how you broke up. So should this be something that is confined just to domestics or should we attempt to start an entire truck of the month section?


Bigassgas Explorer
Another truck forum I am active on has a monthly truck of the month deal too. How they handle it is the webmaster picks a theme each month (example: “orange” in October, etc) then forum members nominate somebody else’s truck. Nominations are only open for a week or two. Then last week of the month they have a poll in which people can vote for the winner. There system is simple and works well. No need to have several TOTM categories. Just pick a theme and let the forum members figure it out from there. PS….this topic would probably be more input in the Fire Side Chat section.


Expedition Leader

I don't really think we need it. What does it really gain the board overall? I don't really think its going to gain us too many new members, views, or whatever.

If you like what someone is doing on their projects, say so. I generally thing positive feedback during the building phase helps get finished more than an 'atta-boy' at the end. You don't need a special 'prize' to do this. If you have questions....ask them. What makes this board a REALLY good one is that the attitude and general behavior of the members is more 'adult' than you might see on other boards. I personally don't think we need to jump on the 'hey look at me and my truck of the month' bandwagon or whatever.

Have an idea, build it, try it, document it well, take pictures, and show it off in a thread. Original ideas, good pictures, and detailed reports is what is going to keep this board growing........

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