Truck Utility SpaceKap to Camper Conversion


Funny 2.7 can pull a 7k travel trailer at 70MPH and not slowdown on a grade... it can easily hit the left hand lane and pass slower drivers.

In fact, it pulls my camper better then my 1st or 2nd gen Tundra ever did. Both of them had to slow waaay down coming into Cloudcroft NM... The 2.7 has zero trouble.

Don't discredit it due to it's size. It out pulls the 5.0. In fact it makes the same amount of TQ as the 5.0 at 1500 RPMs lower.

Just curious, are you speaking as someone who ownes and tows/hauls with a 2.7... Or are you just speculating?

I looked at the 2.7 and it wasnt up to par for actual hauling and pulling. I rented and tested it for a week and ended up with the 3.5 as it had more balls. I tow even heavier now and needed the higher payload capacity to stay within the laws limits, so I have the 6.7. Once you step up to diesel, all the little turbo gas engines seem weak. There’s a difference between using it to tow small things and using it for actual work. The 2.7 is a grocery getter, not a work truck.

Deleted member 9101

I looked at the 2.7 and it wasnt up to par for actual hauling and pulling. I rented and tested it for a week and ended up with the 3.5 as it had more balls.
Suuuure you did tough guy... Sure ya did. Either you are flat out lying, or had zero clue what you needed when you were truck shopping. Who "rents and test" a 2.7 and then decides down the road they need a 6.7.... Evidently you are the one guy walking around that clueless.

Funny thing....the 3.5 doesn't tow much better than the 2.7. Here is a video proving such (I had one for 4 years in a work truck and have had the 2.7 for 2 1/2...but why take my word for it, I didn't rent one):

Once you step up to diesel, all the little turbo gas engines seem weak. There’s a difference between using it to tow small things and using it for actual work. The 2.7 is a grocery getter, not a work truck.

********!!!! ********!!! Real diesels aren't V8s, don't have an automatic behind them, nor do they have glow plugs. They also don't have single rear axles or hydraulic brakes... You have a pickup...not a truck. To do any real work. You need a class-8 truck.... You have a glorified grocery getter/ego fluffer.

(See, you're not the only one who can be an insulting jack ass, welcome to the ignore button)


New member
I think the hardest part of what I am trying to do is get the offset right . These caps are pretty much flush with the sides of the box . Would you think 6 inches or a foot is needed ?Can you remember how far off the jacks your guy had were ?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean - I'm assuming you are talking about the overhang of the box vs the sides of the truck. Ours overhangs very little, so as you mentioned, we'll need to have the brackets extend out quite a bit to support the box. We plan to have a friend weld up some plates to the trailer jacks that we ordered:

We ordered the jacks a few days ago and will be doing the project fairly soon, as now that we have the box off of the truck (borrowed the winch jacks from the guy we purchased the box from) we will need these ready asap to get it back on the truck.

I will update when we do that. We have even talked about doing a build post, so I'll link to that if we do.

mobydick 11

Active member
I'm not 100% sure what you mean - I'm assuming you are talking about the overhang of the box vs the sides of the truck. Ours overhangs very little, so as you mentioned, we'll need to have the brackets extend out quite a bit to support the box. We plan to have a friend weld up some plates to the trailer jacks that we ordered:

We ordered the jacks a few days ago and will be doing the project fairly soon, as now that we have the box off of the truck (borrowed the winch jacks from the guy we purchased the box from) we will need these ready asap to get it back on the truck.

I will update when we do that. We have even talked about doing a build post, so I'll link to that if we do.
Yes that is what i was trying to ask . I think I will have my son come over with a loaded and set mine on the truck so I can get the measurements correct . I built a 2 and 3/4 inch plywood and foam base plate that goes in first ,the camper will sit on top of it . I am in the north so R10 base plate R 8 walls and R7.5 roof . entire shell covered inside with refletic as a vapor barrier .


New member
I'm not 100% sure what you mean - I'm assuming you are talking about the overhang of the box vs the sides of the truck. Ours overhangs very little, so as you mentioned, we'll need to have the brackets extend out quite a bit to support the box. We plan to have a friend weld up some plates to the trailer jacks that we ordered:

We ordered the jacks a few days ago and will be doing the project fairly soon, as now that we have the box off of the truck (borrowed the winch jacks from the guy we purchased the box from) we will need these ready asap to get it back on the truck.

I will update when we do that. We have even talked about doing a build post, so I'll link to that if we do.
Your SK conversion looks REALLY nice.....I've been reading all the entries you've made and looked at the photos several times but I can't find any mention of your sleeping accommodations (bed). When I look at the photos from the rear towards the front, it seems to me that you have a sliding shelf that pulls out from front overhang into the main part of the unit. The photos, in that regard, are somewhat misleading for me. I visualize myself sleeping with my feet toward the front of SK. Don't get me wrong, I am in NO way criticising your carpentry or photographic skills. The fault here is mine in that I just cant quite see in my mind the bed area. I would really like it if you could explain the sleeping arrangement for me...I've had a Diablo for 7 years and I really like it but what I did to make it into a camper was strictly utilitarian. GREAT JOB on yours. Russell

mobydick 11

Active member
I have been asking other SpaceKap owners what is the height of there camper. No one has replied ? I finally got my camper on the truck today . It measures 119 inches ,just under 10 feet .When I upgrade my tires it will probably put me at the 10 foot mark !


New member
I have been asking other SpaceKap owners what is the height of there camper. No one has replied ? I finally got my camper on the truck today . It measures 119 inches ,just under 10 feet .When I upgrade my tires it will probably put me at the 10 foot mark !
I'm not sure what our top pod height is on the truck, but to get it loaded we had to have the base of it up to 39" to safely clear the truck bed. This time was pretty difficult using the trailer jacks with welded attachments because we had the pod sitting nearly on the ground, so we had to raise it up little by little, shore it up with adjustable saw horses, change the height of the base and keep going. When we take it off again we'll have the saw horses to set it on and keep it at a much more "load ready" height. The modified trailer jacks worked like a charm and saved us a lot of money from having to buy winch jacks.


mobydick 11

Active member
I'm not sure what our top pod height is on the truck, but to get it loaded we had to have the base of it up to 39" to safely clear the truck bed. This time was pretty difficult using the trailer jacks with welded attachments because we had the pod sitting nearly on the ground, so we had to raise it up little by little, shore it up with adjustable saw horses, change the height of the base and keep going. When we take it off again we'll have the saw horses to set it on and keep it at a much more "load ready" height. The modified trailer jacks worked like a charm and saved us a lot of money from having to buy winch jacks.

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That looks like a neat set up . I had mine on a wooden pallet on the ground .Had my son come over with a loader and lift it up ,then we rolled it on pipes into the truck . I do not have the front overhang ,so it seems a little back end heavy


New member
Once the insulation and the slats were on it was time to begin running the wood paneling on the ceiling and the sides. While doing the paneling I stopped to make sure the wires were run for all the electrical. I don't plan on having a ton of wiring or electronics in here so it has been rather simple. I am using a WFCO WF8955PECB Black 55 Amps Power Center Converter Charger for my main panel. I have room for a couple circuit breakers for some 15 & 20 amp runs for outlets and 1 main circuit for a portable ac when I need it. Everything else will be 12v and that's why I bought the 55amp converter. I will have one UB1210000-45978 12v 100AH deep cycle battery to pull from as in the future a solar panel would be nice but I do visit campgrounds now so I can plug in. All lights are LED's shallow mount and are broken into two different sections. The first four are going to be run off the main switch when you walk in, and the 4 over the bed have a switch behind the cabinet on the right. The hole in the ceiling will have a Fan-tastic 801200 roof vent with a smoked dome.

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Once the insulation and the slats were on....I've read all the pages of your buildand looked at all the pictures...I really like what you've done with the SP...Looks GREAT...So far I only have two questions..1st what are yoy ceiling slats made from and how did you arc them? 2nd you mentioned UltraTouch radiant barrier...did you also use Ultra touch as insulation under the radiant barrier? Again, looks really good.


New member
I am insulating mine now. I went with 3/4" K-flex on the ceiling, and block foam framed in on the walls. The walls will be covered with 1/4" T&G cedar, ceiling painted off white. I am debating how to handle the barn doors? possibly cover with cedar, with insulated removable panel over windows for insulation and privacy and don't see a photo of the finished doors in this thread.


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New member
Well, A LOT has gotten done. Took it out to camp for a night with the kids and had a great time. Couple items to fix but so far so good! I need to finish some cushions and some trim pieces but overall I'm very happy with how it looks. I still need to put the vinyl on it for the name.

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any interior shots of the final version , looks great!

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