Knee deep, axle deep – call it what you want. We got Astrid real stuck. Interested how we managed that? Read more on our blog!

Haha, brilliant, if you don't push it too far you never know the limits of Astrid right? So when are you purchasing a winch?
I must admit this scares me, luckily you were close enough to get towed out from a road.
Out of interest what traction planks were you using? It looks like they got snapped?
Peter/Dace, would it be cheaper for me to try to source a part on this side of the border and then ship it person-person?
Not sure what's involved with customs, etc., but if I can help, let me know.
:snorkel:I do not know your location but I have picked up parts just south of the boarder from Yuma USA. There is a large, very large, staging are and rebuild conglomerate where USA cars end up which coming from CA, NV, UT, AZ, OR and WA. Wish I could be more specific about the name of the little town near Algadonias. Call one of these guys for more viable info.
Dorman torsion bar for driver's side is #697-601 if you don't have that already. Best of luck!
Stellar thread... what ended up happening with the Torsion bar?
Looks like ya'll had (and are probably still having) an amazing time! Pretty cool seeing your smiles get bigger and bigger as you go
Makes me wanna pack up my van and hit the road.