It's been over six months since I've updated anything here. It's been a busy 2016 and a lot of changes are coming. We've been using the truck as intended and exploring as much as we can. We've come to the conclusion that Tampa, FL isn't the most ideal location for exploring, so we've decided to relocate to the Seattle, WA area (targeting Everett, WA atm).
I’ve also come to the realization that I’ve strayed from my original goal with this truck and that was to keep it simple. You add a lift, then big heavy tires, then you need gears…’s a slippery slope, as you all know.
To get back on track I’m planning to replace the OME suspension with Bilstein 5100’s at the middle setting and Tundra TRD coils. The current BFG KM’s are terrible in the rain, I know that I’ll need something better and still debating this decision. I have decided to run a 265/70r17 however.
I’m hoping that by lowering the front, the stock UCA will come back into spec and I’ll be able to get a solid alignment. I’m also planning to add a larger transmission cooler before the trip.
Once in WA the truck will mostly be used for getting us to the trailhead and campsite. We can’t wait to start hiking, fly fishing, mountain biking and just exploring in general!
Notes: We didn't move to Seattle.