Type 2 Ambo vs Short bus


I am thinking about picking up either a type 2 ambo or short bus. Will be used primarily for hauling motorcycles, family and towing. Would like to know the pros and cons of each.
Drivetrain will be 7.3 with U-Joint 4 inch lift.


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The bus may be a better option so you can keep a few seats and set up the rear for hauling the toys. Less interior gutting/reconfiguring too.


Assuming the same chassis otherwise, I would go for a Shortbus.
Unless I were fanatic for cramped space & a dozen compartments and unused electro-stuff...
Thats what I'm beginning to think.
Anyone know the amount of interior space a wheelchair lift takes and if they have 8 inches extra lifting/ lowering height? That and weight capacities and deck lengths?


Every wheelchair lift is different. Sometimes they reach the ground sometimes they don't and you have to get creative. Sounds like you'll want as much interior volume as possible which the ShortBuses definitely have. However I would go over potential candidates with a fine tooth comb. The busses Ive seen are a mix of steel and fiberglass and aluminum construction. When they retire them they'll often just paint the whole thing which can mask rust and corrosion. However one HUGE drawback of the short busses is no front passenger seat. To me this would get old after several hours on the highway driving by "myself"


Why a Type II Ambo? Parking constraints? If you want space and flexibility, then no questions, the short bus is going to be the better choice, you'd pretty much have to gut a Type II to be able to haul bikes in it..

However, If you're idea of a shortbus is anything but a 12~15 Pax E350 with no body modifications, then a comparable Ambo is a Type III or Minimod, Not a Type II, and if you are looking for 4wd anyway, your quickest and cheapest route is actually the much ignored Type I ambo.... but I'm biased...


I'm primarily looking for maneuverability and have always been a van fan.
Found a smokin deal on a Collins E350 handicap bus that I'm gonna pickup in 2 weeks unless y'all tell me otherwise.
I know to look for rust but anything else to be weary of with these school busses?

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