U.P. Overland 2010: Gone. Seen. Done.


Amazing pics! Where the bugs out in force?

I encountered very few - except one horse fly that wanted my hide while I was swimming in Lake Superior.

Simply fantastic. The beauty of the UP and the "good vibe" of your group poured through the photos. Well Done.

I found myself wishing for a similar trip here in Georgia-

Get ready - I'm planning a similar trip in the NC/TN/GA area for probably next spring.


Perpetual Transient
Wow, absolutely amazing photos so far. Joash, that shot of the log on the beach with the Huron Islands in the back ground is incredible. I want that on my wall! Ha ha

Absolutely huge thanks to Tom. He had no idea what he was getting into when he got involved this year. Due to a late in the game work travel conflict I was unable to be there but Tom didn't flinch and shouldered the whole thing single handedly. Sounds like it went about as smooth as it could have and that is also thanks in part to everyone who helped chip in in one way or another.

To me that is what this trip is all a out. The crazy tricked out rigs and the occasional challenge on the trail are all fun, but it is the people that really make the trip what it is. We have resisted the urge to commercialize this trip and dillute the essential core of what makes it so special. That is, hanging out wi th an eclectic mix of folks in some of the most beautiful scenery in The world.

Because of the nature of my work I can basically choose to live pretty much any where in the world. There is a reason I choose the UP and it is simply no other place yet that I have visited or lived that really strikes the same chord as this region does for me. The geography, the geology, the history, the local culture, and yes oh yes, the water....... It is an amazing experience for me to help get to share this to so many.

Looking forward to more pics. Tom is putting some finishing touches on a video that he will post to our Vimeo page. Stay tuned


Perpetual Transient
We have been announcing dates typically by January or February. Not sure if we are going to keep things on the same week again next year or not. The route typically changes every year as well.
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Authentic Adventurer
Thanks for all your hard work Kristian. Sorry you were unable to make the trip Tom did an awesome job for sure! I was blown away by what the U.P. has to offer! The scenery, the people and of course the Pasties!!:elkgrin:


I'd like to think I'd have the video done tonight but my laptop is NOT happy about the editing I've been doing today.

Guess it's time for that upgrade :)

Video soon.


Ya' know, the trip was moved up a week this year and I have to wonder if having that week later wasn't the best idea after all. Seems like it cooled down a bit and well, when the winds turn south, the surf gets better.



Ya' know, the trip was moved up a week this year and I have to wonder if having that week later wasn't the best idea after all. Seems like it cooled down a bit and well, when the winds turn south, the surf gets better.


Snorkel. :D


Here are a few from us, sorry only a point and shoot camera.
Our trip started in Canada with a trip on the Chi-Cheeman.

Getting a few minutes rest on the ship. The day started at 0300am.

Georgian Bay (lake Huron) lighthouse.

Hotel in Marquette. Monday Night.

Adventure Mine, Day 1. parked beside new friends.

Touring the Mine.

More to follow!!!
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