U.S. alternative to Seitz top hinged windows


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A few facts that support why we prefer acrylic:

Glass weighs 2.14X more than acrylic This will matter if you are building on a weight budget.
Acrylic is 5.25X more thermally efficient than glass. That's why glass condenses water and acrylic does not. The thermal penalty for having larger windows in acrylics is far less, and you get the benefits of greater air flow, light, and view.
Acrylic is 17X more impact resistant than glass. Of course double pane windows like ours are even higher. A mishap in the outback is far less likely to leave you with a gaping hole in your rig. Acrylic also does not shatter like glass, making it safer.
Acrylic transmits 92% light while glass transmits 80 - 90% depending on composition. Means a brighter interior
Acrylic has a flexural strength 2-3 times higher. This makes it possible to build larger awning style windows without a frame around the glazing, saving even more weight.

Acrylic does require reasonable care to prevent scratching, but all but the worst scratches can be polished out. In every other way imaginable, Acrylic is a better material than glass for an overlander window. A common misconception is that acrylic is "cheaper". Actually, building a quality double pane glazing like ours is more expensive than glass. Luckily, there are good choices in both materials.


In regards to the statement: "Acrylic does require reasonable care to prevent scratching, but all but the worst scratches can be polished out. " Is there a good youtube video or step-by-step guide that can be used to ensure that your particular brand of care and feeding is actually helping vs making it worse (which has always been my fear)

Why would something like a good 3M window film help protect against scratches. Usually used to protect glass residential windows from flying debris.


Active member
In regards to the statement: "Acrylic does require reasonable care to prevent scratching, but all but the worst scratches can be polished out. " Is there a good youtube video or step-by-step guide that can be used to ensure that your particular brand of care and feeding is actually helping vs making it worse (which has always been my fear)


Funny, we were just talking about this. We will be putting that information on our website soon, and we are working with some manufacturers to get quality cleaning and polishing products for our customers. Probably the biggest NO NO is using window cleaner on acrylic. It can create discoloration and those fine crazing cracks you see. The biggest culprits are the cleaners containing ammonia. The best thing for general cleaning is just a little dish washing liquid or car wash in water. Always rinse loose dirt off first. Dry with a soft towel. Commercial cleaners like the one made by Novus have the added benefit of leaving an anti-static film so that dust is repelled. Most fine scratches can me removed quickly with plastic polish made by Maguires, Novus, or Brillianize. Heavier scratches may require a multi step process to remove.


OK I've a question. I know you have the air dam for when the windows are used as a skylight on campers.
but looking at the angled window in this vanagon image.
would your windows work and keep the rain out if mounted in a similar fashion on an angle?
or would it still need a shield to protect from speed driven water?


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
I have encountered 110km/h winds from the side (very scary) while driving on a gravel road. As a result there was tons and tons of dust that pelted the camper. I can tell you very happily that no dust made it in through the windows, door or hatches! I'm very impressed with the very good rubber seals. So yes I think you should be fine with mounting it on the front wall.


Active member
OK I've a question. I know you have the air dam for when the windows are used as a skylight on campers.
but looking at the angled window in this vanagon image.
would your windows work and keep the rain out if mounted in a similar fashion on an angle?
or would it still need a shield to protect from speed driven water?

You are referring to the roof hatch with the spoiler. That is really better suited for the top of the van. Our windows however, would work in the front, as the sealing is very secure! The rubber seal is a good one, and these windows have multiple draw down latches, not just one. The only caution would be to make sure the window is closed, or in the "half-lock" position when the van is moving. The half-lock position allows some air flow without the risk of the window blowing open.


Thanks for both the replies.
besides my own personal comfort in the van, we travel with a dog and having that much rainproof ventillation up high would be a big bonus
we already have jalousie windows on the side.


Active member
Thanks for both the replies.
besides my own personal comfort in the van, we travel with a dog and having that much rainproof ventillation up high would be a big bonus
we already have jalousie windows on the side.

Very true. A slider type window only provides 40% of the ventilation of a comparable size awning style window, and only in perfect weather. You wouldn't need a huge window up there to get a lot of air flow. Something else that few people think about, is that screens block a surprising amount of air. Being able to to fully open the screen when bugs are not present is a real advantage.


I was really impressed with the ArticTern windows at overland expo, however I didn't really care for the roof hatch. I have a Heiki one of the older versions and to put it nicely is garbage. I could see going with ArticTern for windows and outbound for the roof hatch.


Active member
@TernOverland can the windows be installed on a slight curved wall like found on econoline vans?

Hi Mike,
We sell a ton of windows to van builders, and a slight curvature is no problem. It's just a matter of choosing the right window for the panel that you have. I would suggest that you check out the library section of our website: https://www.ternoverland.com/documents There is a PDF called "considerations for fitment". It will give you an idea of how to go about this. If you have any questions, we are easy to reach!



Active member
Funny, we were just talking about this. We will be putting that information on our website soon, and we are working with some manufacturers to get quality cleaning and polishing products for our customers. Probably the biggest NO NO is using window cleaner on acrylic. It can create discoloration and those fine crazing cracks you see. The biggest culprits are the cleaners containing ammonia. The best thing for general cleaning is just a little dish washing liquid or car wash in water. Always rinse loose dirt off first. Dry with a soft towel. Commercial cleaners like the one made by Novus have the added benefit of leaving an anti-static film so that dust is repelled. Most fine scratches can me removed quickly with plastic polish made by Maguires, Novus, or Brillianize. Heavier scratches may require a multi step process to remove.

As a follow up to this conversation, we are now authorized distributors for Novus acrylic care products, and we have the best prices you will find. It will be on our website shortly. What I like about Novus is that they have broken the products into 3 specialized formulas that do a better job than the all-in-one products. We will be including a free sample kit with all window purchases, and also sending kits to all of our existing customers as soon as we get stock.

#1 is a dedicated cleaner with anti-static properties. We used this at Expo West on our show trailer windows and it worked great to fend off the blowing dust and constant fingering!

#2 is a light polish for removing fine scratches. Used a couple of times a year, this will keep your windows crystal clear.

#3 is seldom needed, but is great for removing deeper scratches. This product is not a regular maintenance item, but does a great job if the acrylic gets a heavier scratch!

I highly recommend this stuff, and you can get it from us, or off of Amazon.


I should clarify my post for future readers, I don't have any experience with the Ternoverland roof hatch other than looking at it at overland expo. It did appear to be more robust than the Dometic roof hatch. With the customer support from Ternoverland their roof hatch also is probably better bet than dometic, it's nice to see other manufactures step up and make a better product than Dometic.

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