Ok, trying to work how to rotate them on the portal. But first off, the trailer as bought. Its a ex Royal Marine narrow track. Looks to be from the comms brigade according to the stickers. Now I was a Booty for 15 years, so no doubt this thing has been chucked off the back of landing craft, moved by air and covered in mud, more than once. But dispite this, the chassis is sound and thats all i wanted it for. The tub was scrap and didnt take much to remove.
My dad help clean off the flaky old paint and the rubberised sealent that had been applied in the past, then off it went to the blasters.
I managed to pick up matching alloys and thanks to fleebay, matching tires to the Discovery.
Ive extended the frame to allow me to build the box too 2m and give me a little more room at the front for the bottle rack