Ultimate Expedition Jeep (My Take On an Existing Platform)

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
A friend and I were speaking this past week, and I was asked what would be my idea of the ultimate expedition truck.
I told him an Earth Roamer pulling my AEV JKU. But that got us to exploring further that notion.
I told him that conceptually speaking, the most ultimate truck would be an American Expedition Vehicles (AEV) Jeep Brute Double Cab Earth Roamer!

So, I got busy doing a little noodling in photoshop. Below is what I came up with. So, the concept would be rear entry, and taller than the current J8 Earth Roamers that already exist. The taller cab would have many of the same features of the full size Earth Roamer trucks, but on a smaller scale. The flip back would flip back (as they do now) and have a double bed (for the kids), and the area over the double cab would sleep two just like the current Earth Roamers. (so sleeps 4 comfortably without disturbing your "living" area).
Would feature the same diesel oven and heater as the larger ER and would have a smaller version of the bath room.
The ultimate version would feature a full open concept into the cab so you could pass through with flip back seats (so that you flip the rear of the seat over and you now face the living area (much like a dormobile)

So, all in all, it is nice to dream ... (oh and how about this truck with a diesel that gets 28 MPG)!! (since we are dreaming afterall).

Here is my rendering (pardon the photoshop hack job!)




What would the cabover be used for? It looks too small for anything, except for fishing poles? Access hatches from the top side would make it possible to store a few bulky things (blankets/clothes?) maybe?


Dendy, I think that you did a great photoshop Job. I too have felt that this is the ideal size platform for an expedition camping vehicle. Large enough to be fully self sufficient yet comfortable, while also being small enough to go almost anywhere. My only concern about combining AEV and Earthroamer is price, but conceptually I fully agree.


Expedition Leader
If dreams came with price tags I'd be bankrupt! :)
Love the concept... to bad the top doesn't split in half having one fold forward (tent over cab/hood) and the other to the rear (maybe tent, maybe extra standing room with small tent area on the way rearward end?).

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I live on the Alaska highway, and just yesterday I saw what must have been a diesel F-350 with either 35s or 37 and a HUGE earthroamer cab on the back.
It actually looked a lot like your photoshop.


Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Hi, Dan: That was an F550 with 37's most likely.

To the point about the roof. I could only stretch the JK roof so high in Photoshop without distorting. My concept (in my mind) would be that the tent flips to the rear with a double bed. And the front you would sleep two with feet facing the front of the truck. There would be a panel in the JK that extends so only your legs are in the part over the cab. Ideally it would be slightly taller (akin to the full size Earth Roamer).



Ah, gotcha. Looks more and more like a H3T with a slide in.

Sad that they discontinued the JP. They could very well still have a market.


Love the idea, especially with a diesel in the mix. Only concern would be the jk frame/platform handling the extra weight of the camper and its associated plumbing. If only we could get the j8 platform.


Since we are talking photoshopping I have a request. Could someone do a four door Wrangler with the rear doors the same as the front length and the rear wheel well opening pushed back with a symetrical rear flare like a TJ. I am not saying the setup would be great I am just curious what it would like.


New member
Between Aev and Earthroamer Xp, they could have one finished in about 2 months, just whip out the checkbook. Just in time for Overland Expo... Someone needs to pull the trigger on this one.. But it won't be me.


That looks like a nice design you have there. Curious to see how it develops. Here's one of a similar design I found for sale on the AEV site.

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