Undercoating Question


Do you apply on the frame and around all the parts ? I live in south jersey

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You can spray everything under the vehicle. I have it on all my vehicles and it makes a big difference, the truck I bought new has zero rust on it so far. I clean and re spray every fall. Well worth it.


Hmmmm I was going to por-15 the entire frame however the prep work involved has me re-thinking that. I live in Chicago and HATE rust. Maybe a dumb question but If I were to use fluid film, can I spray paint the frame and then add the fluid film as a top coat?

Lucky j

Up-here in quebec, most of the shops will use to different type of product specially made for rust proofing. Both are oil based, but one contain wax in it. On a newer vehicule, they have a tendancy tu use the one containing wax. It is cleaner, and will cure to a harder finish. Will need some touch -up every year for best reslut. But as the vehicule age, it will create some flexibility in frame and body, them they will start using the one w/o wax that do not crack at the flexible joint. Also need to touch up some of the more expose area.

One exemple of that product is made by Sinto racing.


And our snow started in december, and should stay up-until and of april. Did you say salt, sand and light gravel on black top road??
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