Unimog Support Directory - News


Copied from the Mailing List for those who do not frequent

Hey Guys,

I finally decided to, excuse my language, get off my *** and get
back to work on the MSD. I ran into some technical difficulties last
year, and it just kind of slipped out of my mind. Well I have
assembled a fairly complete beta version, the only thing missing being
the back cover.

Link to the current beta version:

Link to submit a new entry:
MSD Application

I encourage everyone to check it out and make sure their entry is
good. I have put in all 115+ entries I have received. If you have not
submitted info, please do so (please make sure you aren't already in
the directory!). In one week I will release a completed version, which
will be shared to other Unimog websites. I am going to take new
entries until July 31st, at that point a printed version will be
produced. So tell your friends, spread the word, and PLEASE get those
entries in. The sooner the better. After the first printed version,
the next printed version will be by demand. (Dealers/Distributors - I

If any Unimog website owners are interested in trading links, I would be happy to do so!

The online version will always be kept up to date.



Copied from the Unimog Mailing List:

Hey Everyone,

I would like to remind everyone that there are only four days left before the first round goes off to print and that I have opened up a page for preorder or donations! THANK YOU to those who have preordered, you will help ensure I can afford to have these printed!

MSD Application:


As usual, I have updated the directory with the latest submissions, please check for errors!


- Jack Miles
Tampa, Florida


Copied From The Unimog Mailing List

Hey Everyone,

I have been getting great feedback through orders and submissions
when I do a an update, so here is your daily update! Progress is
steady, with all of the newest submissions added and corrections made.
Big thanks to all of the orders coming in, it will make the bill for
printing feel a LOT better! Still on target for a July 31st Midnight
cutoff, so MAKE SURE to get those submissions in and PLEASE tell your
friends. If not you'll be sorry! :)

Link to preorder a directory, or make a donation:

Link to make a submission:

Link to current beta version:

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or


Unimog Mailing List Message:

Hey Everyone,

I have been getting great feedback through orders and submissions
when I do a an update, so here is your daily update! Progress is
steady, with all of the newest submissions added and corrections made.
Big thanks to all of the orders coming in, it will make the bill for
printing feel a LOT better! Still on target for a July 31st Midnight
cutoff, so MAKE SURE to get those submissions in and PLEASE tell your
friends. If not you'll be sorry! :)

Link to preorder a directory, or make a donation:

Link to make a submission:

Link to current beta version:

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or


For those who only get a chance to check the forums, news:


Progress on the 2010 MSD is going well! I received the first run of
printed copies yesterday, August 13. Right on time! They look
wonderful, picture can be found on the order page here:


I have been hard at work getting them mailed out, if you have
placed an order up to this point, it has been mailed. Delivery time is
between 1-3 days for the Continental United States, for those out of
the country; expect it to take a few days longer.

Booklets are in stock and ready to rock! They are strictly first
come first serve, half are already gone. So don't wait around. If you
will be attending NWMF, they will be available for purchase there
through Mike Pop. As always, orders and donations are MUCH
appreciated. I have a lot of time and money into this project! Big
thanks to those who have already ordered.

I will be maintaining this directory on a regular basis; I am
actively welcoming new submissions and updates. The online version
(link below) will be updated periodically. I am prepared to make
another run of these in 2011 if the current one sells successfully,
otherwise it will cost me time AND money, as opposed to just
time...lots and lots of time. So please point anyone you know to the
home page for the directory, found here;


Thank you!


New member
Planning & Publishing the 2010 Mog Directory

Jack, Thank You for all your Hard Work, Planning & Publishing the 2010 Mog Directory. I wanted to Personally Thank You for stepping up to the Plate and Completing the Directory!

I keep my Directory in my Unimog so when ever we need to Contact Vendors for Parts or Contact other mog Owners we have the Information.

Thanks Again Jack, Im looking forward to see you and other new Faces at SouthEastMogFest in 2011

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