roverchef, how do you reckon its legal in California?
As for import to the USA, it is possible but not straight-forward. If it is entered into the USA by a non-resident, then it has to leave in 12 months from North America (can't just drive it to Canada or Mexico). It will be noted on the non-residents paperwork and they will have to prove it has been exported. It will be a major hassle for them, including fines and/or not getting future visas, if they do not comply. There is no opt out if you sell it, the whole point is to prevent you from selling it. However, if the USA buyer bought it in Mexico (with invoice, paperwork etc) and they imported it, paid duties, customs fee, brokers etc, then it would be possible since it is 25+ years old. It matters who imports it and under which provisions. Registering it would depend on state. I'm not so sure you could register it in CA but I'm not an expert on those laws which are even worse than EPA and DOT. Importing it should be possible but not cut and dry and if the owners bring it in temporarily to the USA, it will not be a straightforward import and may get complicated/expensive very quickly. Caveat emptor.